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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in management (138)


The Care and Framing of Strategic Innovation Changes - Arthur VanGundy Ph.D.

One of our members - Josh Gluckman from Think Growth, recently provided this document from Arthur VanGundy. There is a bit of content, though well worth the read... The Care and Framing of Strategic Innovation Challenges Arthur B. VanGundy, Ph.D. (“Andy”) avangundy@cox.net November 2005 Author’s Note: This paper represents the draft version of parts of several chapters in my recently-released book, Getting to Innovation: How. NY: AMACOM, 2007. http://www.amazon.com/Getting-Innovation- Asking the Right Questions Generates the Great Ideas Your Company Needs Questions-Generates-Company/dp/0814408982/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/105- 5881108-2916424?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1189367822&sr=8-1 Ideas in Search of Problems Are ideas a dime a dozen as the expression says? Probably not. That’s too easy and somewhat of a cop out. It is relatively easy to get ideas, but probably more difficult to get “good” ideas—those with the greatest probability of solving problems.

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The Recognition Microscope: Fuel for Human Acceleration

Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton “Can recognition be analyzed under a microscope?


Categorized here as a business manifesto, you might assume that recognition ROI—what we call the return on 'Carrots'—would be the first order of conversation. In other words, how purpose-based recognition can boost your bottom line, motivate employees to achieve, and create high-performance teams. And, because most readers here are searching for quick, easy to execute applications, you may even assume that a prescriptive “how-to” focus should warrant an initial discussion. Or, maybe even more to the point, scientific research should be presented to qualify the case for the most effective human performance accelerant in existence—recognition. The ROI is astounding. The application is easily trainable. And, now there’s global research proving that recognition accelerates human performance to a level beyond comparison in every culture studied—the impact has no boundaries, and the way humans respond to recognition reveals an outstanding driver of performance. All that said, the most revealing analysis under the microscope must begin within ourselves—the results of which we can all qualify, quantify, and measure.”

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Source: Change This


Family Business Australia Conference

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending the Family Business Association Conference. Glenn Cooper, Executive Chairman of Coopers Brewery was the first speaker. I know Glenn from another life pre The CLF and he is a real gentleman. Glenn also heads up the marketing for Coopers and previously he explained to me that the main purpose of their marketing is to give the appearance that Coopers is a much bigger brewery than they are. Seems to work well given the number of people that enjoy a pale ale. Our executive Chairman Ralph Kerle was also a keynote speaker, just before lunch. Ralph firstly gave an overview of the research he has done on 'Is Australian Management Creative and Innovative'. He then proceeded to launch our Creative Leadership Index and The Creativity Zone

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Catching Zebras: Tranforming Your Sales Force by Shifting Your Focus

Jeffrey Koser & Chad Koser "The Zebra concept itself is simple. Create the profile of your perfect prospect and measure all other prospects against perfection. Zebra score every prospect, decide your tipping point and don’t go over it. This is the hard part. Saying no for sales people is very hard. Yes is in their vernacular. No isn't even in their DNA. So when we tell you that part of the success of this process is to say 'no,' you'll understand this process will take some inspection to ensure it succeeds. Someone once said you can't expect what you don't inspect. Inspection is necessary for the Zebra way to succeed. You can drag a Zebra to water... you get the idea."

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Source: Change This


Ralph Kerle interviews Danny Gilbert - co-founder and Managing Partner of Gilbert and Tobin

Ralph Kerle, executive chairman of The CLF recently interviewed Danny Gilbert, co-founder and Managing Partner of Gilbert and Tobin Legal Firm about his thoughts on creative leadership, creativity and business model innovation. The interview recognised a variety of changes that have occured over the 21 years since G&T commenced. View the interview here Filming and editing thanks to BNET Australia