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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in creative leadership (90)


How to Make a Region Innovative - Booz&Co

A great new paper from Booz&Co on how to foster economic growth via innovation clusters that need to draw on the power of an interrelated “quad” of sectors: public, private, civil, and academic.

Download the full paper here.


Creativity is Not A Talent, It Is A Way of Operating - John Cleese

Two great Cleese videos on creativity


Cleese talking about his own creativity

This 1991 video is erudite and comic yet right to the "creativity"point


Creativity Lessons from Charles Dickens and Steve Jobs - Anne Kreamer - Harvard Business Review

Creativity is the most essential skill for navigating an increasingly complex world — or so said 1,500 CEOs across 60 countries in a recent survey by IBM. And yet federally funded research and development — creativity, institutionalized — is down 20% as a share of America's GDP since the late 1980s. Private R&D spending has also tailed off since then, when it brought us breakthrough innovations like laser printing, Ethernet, the graphical user interface, and the mouse. And that was just from one company's private R&D engine, Xerox's PARC. At the same time, experts fret that our public school system doesn't foster enough creativity in our future workforce. All of which makes it easy to worry that we'll run out of creative leaders producing creative goods. But I think the declinism is overwrought. And that's because some of the best paths to encourage innovation are surprisingly simple.

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Leading the unpredictable - a new way of working | Erik Hoekstra, Krauthammer

The way we currently organise ourselves is increasingly out of step with our fast-evolving environment. What if organisations were to become a societal movement, whose passionate members had the drive to make a difference? People are dynamic and innovative – organisations aren’t. Yet flextime and connecting via social media are not enough. Let’s envision a new form of management, people engagement and leadership – a world where organisations would adapt to their employees, rather than vice versa. In short, an integrated approach to the oft-cited ‘New Way of Working’ (NWW).

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Ken Robinson On The Principles Of Creative Leadership | Fast Company

Sir Ken Robinson is among the world's elite thinkers when it comes to creativity and innovation. The author of Out of Minds: Learning to be Creative, a 10th anniversary edition of which was published in March, and The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything, Robinson has dedicated much of his professional life to helping governments, educational systems and businesses understand that creativity is not a fanciful luxury. "Creativity is not some exotic, optional extra. It's a strategic issue," said Robinson while in Cannes where he was invited to speak about the necessity for creativity in innovation. "So what people are faced with is having to think very different about how to run organizations."

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