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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Web 2.0 (36)


Emphas.is - crowdfunded visual journalism

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An interesting experiment in crowdfunded creativity on Emphas.is .Photojournalists pitch their projects directly to the public. You get to decide whether a story is worth doing.

By agreeing to back a story, for a minimum contribution of $10, you are making sure that the issues that you care about receive the in-depth coverage they deserve.

In return you are invited along on the journey. Photojournalists on Emphas.is agree to enter into a direct dialogue with their backers, sharing their experiences and insights as the creative process unfolds.

Worthwhile having a look at their web site.


The Story of Storify - Ralph Kerle, the Creative Leadership Forum

Diigo Group on Web 2.0 Tools moderated by Helen Baxter, Producer of the g33k show is a constant weekly source of insight into how and at what pace the web is really developing. I have been able to become a BETA tester in all sorts of new and wonderful Web 2.0 apps ranging from one of the most wonderful new music downloading programmes that was shut down two weeks after it launched obviously because of its extraordinary ability to find every obscure and known music track on the Web within 30 seconds to the launch of Googles new plug-in for for the Office suite. For me though the most fascinating new web 2.0 tool has been Storify - an on-line application that "makes stories from the social Web, finding moments to remember in the real-time stream".

Click to read more ...


The Next Big Thing From Google - Waves


Clay Shirky: How cellphones, Twitter, Facebook can make history

The future of communications...



Trusting Google and Yahoo: Search Engines & Information Literacy

We pride ourselves on thinking critically. But how do our critical thinking skills apply to what we find in our searches? Because the results seem to appear like magic, many of us tend to think of search results as being “unbiased.” But in actual fact, there are many individuals and companies working hard every day to try to push their information to the top of the page in your Google search.

Download the full article here

Source: Change This