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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in training (28)


Is it Really Possible To Measure Creativity? - Series of Papers - The European Commission Education and Training

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The International Conference "Can creativity be measured?" produced by the European Commission on Education and Training offered an overview of the different ways of measuring creativity at national, regional and individual levels. As a first step towards tackling this challenge, Measuring Creativity looks at all these perspectives and provides a wide analysis of measuring specific aspects related to creativity. This site offers  a series of excellent articles on this intriguing and vexed questions.


Turning Employees Into Problem Solvers — HBS Working Knowledge

Ten years ago, the Institute of Medicine published To Err is Human [PDF], a groundbreaking report that pushed the issue of medical errors into the public spotlight. That we all make mistakes was certainly nothing new: Operational failures occur across all industries. But the impact of errors in the context of the health-care industry drew instant attention. Preventable medical errors resulting in injury cost the industry somewhere between $9 billion and $15 billion a year, the report stated. Even more shockingly, by some measures the number of patient deaths attributed to operational failures annually in the United States equaled the crash of one fully loaded 747 airplane every one-and-a-half days.

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Putting a value on training - McKinsey Quarterly

Training programs generate greater value for organizations when the curricula reflect key business performance metrics. Testing real-world outcomes is crucial,  claim Jenny Cermak and Monica McGurk, Principals in McKinsey's Atlanta Office. This article makes the point that very few training programmes offer any metrics on the value of the training and offers some very helpful tips.

Click here to read the full article


What Does Your Soul Look LIke

What does your Soul look like? An interesting visual art project created by a group called Information is Beautiful. Full instructions on how to draw your Soul are included on the site



The Impending Demise of University - Don Tapscott

In the industrial model of student mass production, the teacher is the broadcaster. A broadcast is by definition the transmission of information from transmitter to receiver in a one-way, linear fashion. The teacher is the transmitter and student is a receptor in the learning process. The formula goes like this: "I'm a professor and I have knowledge. You're a student, you're an empty vessel and you don't. Get ready, here it comes. Your goal is to take this data into your short-term memory and through practice and repetition build deeper cognitive structures so you can recall it to me when I test you."... The definition of a lecture has become the process in which the notes of the teacher go to the notes of the student without going through the brains of either.

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