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...creative methods provide senior management with a unique tool to tap into a massive organisational resource. Learning to leverage the creative skills of every individual, regardless of their level, creates the sustainable competitive advantage every corporation is striving for...

Tom Peters

Why Is It Necessary Develop Your Creative Leadership Capabilities?

Executive research reports from IBM, Boston Consulting, Booz Allen Hamilton and Accenture all concurred that most CEO's expected fundamental changes in their organizations over the next two to five years.

These changes will drastically affect business models. Innovation will need to be orchestrated from the top. External collaboration will be indispensable if these changes are to be applied effectively. Organisations will need to work creatively and collaboratively.

Employees will need to think broadly, act personally and manage change meaningfully. CEOs and their management teams will need to become creative leaders.

An important finding was that 2 out of three senior executives acknowledged they either didn't have any training or experience in creative leadership or creativity and innovation and that the development of those skills and capabilities on an on-going basis was not only vital but necessary to the future success of organisations.

"Developing Your Creative Leadership Capabilities" © has been developed to in response to those needs.

The Process

"Developing Your Creative Leadership Capabilities" © explores the theories and practices of creative leadership and creativity using innovation tools and techniques in real organizational challenges..


  • will explore how creativity works in an organizational context.
  • will discover their creative thinking style and how to apply that knowledge successfully in working in teams
  • will experience how to lead a team creatively and to facilitate collaboration within the team to create flow for more productive and quicker outcomes
  • will use a series of tools and techniques that will enable them to run powerful strategy and ideation sessions and a methodology to implement the outcomes of those strategies within teams or across an entire organization.

The Outcome

An understanding and experience of the practice of creative leadership and its elements.

Click here if you would information on this programme.