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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in TED (4)


Why Julian Assange, Founder, Wikileaks Models Great Creative Leadership - TED video

In watching this video, you can see the emergence of a genuine creative leader at work. Creative leadership requires conviction and commitment with one component marking out the great creative leaders from the others - personal risk!! The great creative leaders in our world, Socrates, Joan of Arc, J.B. Priestley, Nehru, Nelson Mandela to name just a few all took great personal risks to ensure their beliefs in one way or another effected the world in which we live for the common good. Whilst it is difficult to say just exactly what the common good is, universally we know it when we see it and we know when the common good is not being served. Historically the sign of a great creative leader is when someone takes the risk to speak out against entrenched power that we know refuses to allow proper debate regardless of the risks.Julian Assange, Founder of Wikileaks has done that.Watch the video!!

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There's A Flip Side to Everything - Derek Sivers.

A neat little take on our thinking process and how it is influenced culturally with Derek Sivers

Creativity: How to Love and not Fear the “C” Word Behind Innovation

In a recent Silicon Valley Watcher post, Founder/Publisher Tom Foremski blogged about “10 Reasons Why This is a Great Time to Invest in Innovation.” At the end of his post, which listed many excellent reasons why now, in an economic downturn, it is an excellent time to innovate, Tom concluded with: “The next upturn will be led by what I call New Rules Enterprises, these are organizations that are highly efficient and have made the most of the economies of Internet 2.0.” I agree with the ideas in Tom’s post, but I feel the need to add a few important thoughts to his last statement. Being highly efficient is often desirable, but only when accompanied by an allowance for creativity and free thinking that cannot always be timed precisely to the minute and packed neatly into a box.

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The Emergence of Digital Media as an Information AND a Learning Tool

At last we are beginning to see the emergence into the mainstream of digital media, not only as an information tool but as a learning tool as well. However it still takes some effort to find out just what is available in the way of free learning. On a feed I get from Presentation Zen, I noticed a reference to Ben Zander that took me to Pop Tech, an obvious competitor to TED that ulimately took me to DIGG that took me to a site that provided on line links to recent lectures from MIT, Harvard, Stamford, Oxford etc.. Now the information revolution is beginning to take shape. As Clay Shirky says in his book, Here Comes Everybody whether we think access to so much information is a good or bad thing is now beyond considering, it is a reality!