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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in culture (20)


Sheikha Al Mayassa: Globalizing the local, localizing the global | Video on TED.com

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Sheikha Al Mayassa, a patron of artists, storytellers and filmmakers in Qatar, talks about how art and culture create a country's identity -- and allow every country to share its unique identity with the wider world. As she says: "We don't want to be all the same, but we do want to understand each other."



OnInnovation : Advancing the Culture of Innovation - The Henry Ford

With the by-line that the Henry Ford has been collecting stories of American innovation from 1929, the Detroit museum the Henry Ford, has assembled a comprehensive video library on innovation that is worth visiting.

The following video traces the role of innovation in auto-racing and is an example of the quality of the innovation stories you will find at their new site OnInnovation - Advancing the Culture of Innovation.



The Man Who Runs The World's Smartest Web Site - The Observer

Since the mid-1960s, John Brockman has been at the cutting edge of ideas. Here, John Naughton introduces a passionate advocate of both science and the arts, whose website, Edge, is a salon for the world’s finest minds. In the attached article, he discusses Marshall McLuhan, elitism and the future of the internet


What Great Companies Know About Culture - Deidre H. Campbell - Harvard Business Review

Even in this unprecedented business environment, great leaders know they should invest in their people. Those companies who are committed to a strong workplace culture tend to perform well, and now they are featured prominently in a new ranking recently released by Great Place to Work Institute. Among the top performers on the 2011 World's Best Multinational Companies list are culturally-strong technology companies such as Microsoft, NetApp, SAS, and Google. But is there a direct correlation between employee investment and the balance sheet? As Prof. James L. Heskett wrote in his latest book The Culture Cycle, effective culture can account for 20-30 percent of the differential in corporate performance when compared with "culturally unremarkable" competitors.

Click to read more ...


The Global Innovation 1000: Why Culture Is Key - Booz and Company Annual Study

Booz & Company’s annual study shows that spending more on R&D won’t drive results. The most crucial factors are strategic alignment and a culture that supports innovation.

Download and read the whole report here.