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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Ralph Kerle (4)


Creativity in Organizations - How can creativity become a prime contributor to the strategic objective of the organization? - Ralph Kerle

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This article provides an historical overview over the last 100 years of the development and affects of applied creative thinking in organizations and asks the question why creativity has not been better understood as an organisational or business process; analysizes the findings of a 2008 major national research project entitled ‘Is Australian management creative and innovative?” in the context of contemporary creative practice in organisations and offers a benchmarking system – the Management Innovation Index™ as a way for organizations to model their creative ecology and over time, using the organisation’s key measures for success, to educate specifically to improve management innovation practice and productivity and ultimately to predict the outcomes of the organization’s creativity and innovation behaviours.

Download and read the full article from here


3rd International India Innovation Summit

Ralph Kerle, Executive Chairman, The Creative Leadership Forum will be a key speaker at this event.

Ralph will also be awarded for his international contribution to innovation at the event.

You can view the list of keynote speakers here

And view the full theme of the event here


Digital Darwinism

Audiences today relish the on-demand lifestyle afforded by digital technology, which makes those audiences more fragmented, distracted, and mercurial than ever. Many of MTV’s young viewers are online while they are watching TV, and they are prone to skip through ads with the aid of their digital video recorders (DVRs). We know this, and our advertisers know it too, which is why MTV Networks (MTVN) has made branded entertainment and brand integration a major part of the company’s business model.

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Creative Leadership - AGSM interview Ralph Kerle

Creative Leadership: leading your staff out of the box Innovation – in 2009 it’s not just a word to be bandied about. The economy is forcing us to get creative. Innovation could be just what we need and it could be very good for business. What exactly is creative leadership? It’s not an easy question to answer, but Ralph Kerle is one person who is well qualified to offer an answer. Ralph is the Program Director of the AGSM Executive Programs Leading for Creativity and Innovation program. He is also the Executive Chairman of the Creative Leadership Forum and Founder of the Creative Skills Training Council, Asia Pacific. If asked to define creative leadership, Ralph can conjure 1001 different definitions off the cuff. When asked to pick just one, he chose the following: Creative leadership is the ability to lead others into a new, innovative and unknown future. Ralph compares creative leadership to the process of sculpting or playwriting.

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