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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in creative problem solving (4)


Jonah Lehrer's 'Imagine: How Creativity Works' Video

It seems like everywhere you turn (on the internet), there's a thought piece, review or Q&A about Jonah Lehrer's new book, "Imagine: How Creativity Works." The 30-year-old science writer studied sexy examples of creativity (Bob Dylan) as well as unsexy ones (Swiffer) in his quest to understand that mysterious thing called inspiration, and his work seems to have touched a nerve. Now one of Lehrer's most provocative passages -- a defense of frustration as a necessary phase during problem-solving -- has been transformed into a short movie by animator Flash Rosenberg (side note: great animator name!). Which is great, because who doesn't love big thoughts expressed in drawrings? Rosenberg does the animation equivalent of liveblogging to a narration of Lehrer's words, and as expected, the story of Archimedes in the tub makes for righteous visuals.





Creativity in Organizations - How can creativity become a prime contributor to the strategic objective of the organization? - Ralph Kerle

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This article provides an historical overview over the last 100 years of the development and affects of applied creative thinking in organizations and asks the question why creativity has not been better understood as an organisational or business process; analysizes the findings of a 2008 major national research project entitled ‘Is Australian management creative and innovative?” in the context of contemporary creative practice in organisations and offers a benchmarking system – the Management Innovation Index™ as a way for organizations to model their creative ecology and over time, using the organisation’s key measures for success, to educate specifically to improve management innovation practice and productivity and ultimately to predict the outcomes of the organization’s creativity and innovation behaviours.

Download and read the full article from here


Dramatic Breakthrough in Strategic Planning - New and Improved Innovation Blog Site: 

Deer Mouse_ John Good -NPS Photo It's been said (by poet Robert Burns) that, "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley" (since he was a Scot writing in 1785, what he meant was that the plans go often awry). Regardless your language, you may have noticed this pattern yourself when working with innovation teams to put together compelling plans of action. After years of research and number crunching, the results are in on a new technique that results in a dramatic improvement in the effectiveness of strategic planning and goal implementation.

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9 Lessons in Creative Problem Solving From South Park

The book Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design describes the attributes of a sketch as: 1. Quick 2. Timely 3. Inexpensive 4. Disposable 5. Plentiful 6. Clear Style - It suggests it’s a sketch 7. Distinct- Not tight andprecise, open and free 8. Only Includes Detail Needed to Convey Information 9. Appropriate Degree of Refinement 10. Suggest and Explore Direction - Initiate conversations 11. Ambiguity

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