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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in creativity (304)


How To Drive Collaborative Decision Making 

The concept of collaborative decision making is frequently employed as a catchall that includes everything from face-to-face communication to knowledge management to coordinating partnerships. Collaborative decision making is a descendent of the broader concept of a virtual workspace, in which potentially disparate teams can come together to access a common work environment, post and share supporting information, and communicate in real time to solve problems. This virtual workspace equates to a combination of the model itself and three key levels of collaboration.

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The Link Between Ownership and Creativity: Wray Herbert - The Huffington Post

Americans like to own their homes, and the rules and conventions for ownership are generally well understood. So it's easy to forget that in many corners of the globe the rules are more ambiguous--and more open to challenge. Indeed, there are an estimated one billion squatters in the world today--people who, mostly out of necessity, are living on property they do not own and cannot afford. Squatters rarely have a voice, but in a few industrialized cities where they do, their claims are usually founded on the idea of improvement. If an owner abandons or neglects a property, shouldn't another human being be allowed to take shelter, invest sweat equity in making it a home, and lay some claim to it? In other words, does hard work improving a property convey some right to occupancy, even ownership?

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How Anger Inspires Creativity For Some | Tom Jacobs

Countless ideas have been offered to help stimulate one’s creativity. Daydream. Brainstorm with others. Follow your intuition. Or simply sit passively as someone speaks to you in an angry tone of voice. Oddly enough, the latter approach appears to work, at least for certain people. That’s the conclusion of a new study from the Netherlands. Writing in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, a research team led by University of Amsterdam psychologist Gerben Van Kleef describes an experiment involving 63 undergraduates. To begin, each filled out an 11-item “personal need for structure scale,” in which they rate the degree to which they agreed with such statements as “I become uncomfortable when the rules in a situation are not clear.”

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Creativity, business, organisations and games - a great case study in how organisational creativity can work

The twisted creativity (and potty mouth) of game designer David Jaffe offers an excellent case study in organisational creativity and shows how if organisations learn how to woprk with creative people what a productive relationship it can be. David Jaffe is one of the stars of the video game industry. Since the 1990s, he has shown his creativity over and over with games such as Twisted Metal, God of War, and the most recent title, Calling All Cars. and VentureBeat caught up with him recently for this interview. Jaffe worked designing games at Sony for 13 years, but he left Sony in 2007 to cofound the game studio Eat Sleep Play. During his career, Jaffe has been loud, vociferous, and potty-mouthed

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The simple truth is that it is quite possible to create a thriving business without a big idea.

"The simple truth is that it is quite possible to create a thriving business without a big idea" is a lively presentation from Change This. The author.  Trevor Ginn is an entrepreneur and blogger who lives in Bethnal Green, London, UK. His online nursery business, Hello Baby, is unashamedly unoriginal, though, at least in his opinion, well executed. He is also a consultant at Vendlab and you can follow his exploits at trevorginn.com and on twitter @trevorginn.