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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in CreativeLeadership (10)


10 Whole Brain Essentials for Leadership and Learning in the Innovative Era - Dr Ellen Weber

Ask – don’t tell. What if you were to ask one innovative question to a leader you encounter? What if you held back a strong opinion, in favor of learning from others today? Imagine the ground-breaking results for innovative workplace solutions you pioneer. Yet experts remind us how innovation loses because leaders remain locked in the past. Sadly, innovative opportunities get stomped on by narrow-minded demands. It doesn’t have to be that way! Can you see growth benefits for holistic leading that inspires organizational change?

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Six Fundamental Shifts in the Way We Work - John Hagel III, John Seely Brown - Harvard Business Review

It's been a while since we posted here because of all the craziness surrounding the launch of our book, The Power of Pull, but we are happy to announce that we're going to be resuming a regular schedule of postings to build on the themes in our book. We thought we would kick off our new postings by summarizing some of the ideas from Pull that resonated the most in our many conversations from the last few months. from The Power of Pull. The Red Queen was optimistic. Nearly everybody in management is familiar with the Red Queen effect, taken from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass: this is the notion that "It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place."

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The Life’s Work of a Thought Leader - An Interview with C.K. Prahalad

Coimbatore Krishnarao (C.K.) Prahalad would have celebrated his 69th birthday on August 8, 2010. He was one of the most influential and original strategic and management thinkers of the last 50 years. He was also a friend to strategy+business and, most significantly, a friend and mentor to management thinkers and practitioners all around the world — particularly in India, where he was born and educated, and in the United States, where he lived for most of his career until he passed away from a sudden lung illness on April 16.

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How To Drive Collaborative Decision Making 

The concept of collaborative decision making is frequently employed as a catchall that includes everything from face-to-face communication to knowledge management to coordinating partnerships. Collaborative decision making is a descendent of the broader concept of a virtual workspace, in which potentially disparate teams can come together to access a common work environment, post and share supporting information, and communicate in real time to solve problems. This virtual workspace equates to a combination of the model itself and three key levels of collaboration.

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Freedom and Responsibility Around A No Holidays Policy Changes Work Practices or Does It? « Creative Leadership - Daniel Pink

Netflix lets its staff take as much holiday as they want, whenever they want – and it works Silicon Valley success story, Netflix, shows how a non-policy on holidays can provide the break you need. Ah, August. It’s the month we escape the office, cast off quotidian concerns, recharge our psychic batteries, and – you know what I’m talking about – feel a twinge of guilt. White-collar workers have an uneasy relationship with holidays. On the one hand, we consider them our due. (And in much of Europe, paid vacations are a right fixed in the law.) On the other hand, we view them as minor betrayals – of our obligations to customers and clients, of our responsibilities to colleagues left behind, even of the values we hold most dear.

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