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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Change (112)


Back to school

Video artist Viola, winner of McDermott award, samples new technologies during weeklong residency at MIT Stephanie Schorow, MIT News Office March 19, 2009 More than 35 years ago, Bill Viola jolted the contemporary art world with a new kind of artistic expression: electronic images and sounds that explored themes of love, death and rebirth. Today, the title "video artist" could be claimed by any kid with a camera, but the label rightfully belongs to Viola, who harnessed the potential of high-definition technology to produce evocative and startling snippets of video for museums and installations. Like many artistic revolutionaries, Viola is now old school. He has exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Guggenheim Museum, New York, and the J.Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. In 1997, theWhitney Museum of American Art staged: "Bill Viola: A 25-Year Survey." His latest honor is the Eugene McDermott Award in the Arts, given by MIT's Council for the Arts, which brings a $75,000

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Creative Skills Training Council - on Creating Peak Performance - Flow in Music and Sport

Recently the Creative Skills Training Council conducted a program in Melbourne on Creating Peak Performance - Flow in Music and Sport. Georges McKail provided an excellent graphical report of the event - as shown in the pdf at this link: Graphical Report by Georges McKail on CSTC Melbourne Meeting

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Riding the Wave of Technology - our future beyond all the current talk... towards evolution

What is in line for our future?... Evolution of course... So before we start with the serious stuff, here is Homer's view on evolution...,

But then, where do we go from here?
TED have once again provided a summary, encapsulated in an entertaining video..

On the Road from Dreams to Destiny: There’s a Monster in There!

Ricky Minor “The lessons I present call attention to all the ways we can take control of our destiny, with special emphasis on becoming aware of our actions in situations that we commonly confront in our everyday lives. We face constant choices. Our decisions can move us forward towards our goals or shift us into reverse. So many of our negative choices and behaviors start in a mindless and almost automatic fashion. Each of the stories I tell gives you a strategy for taking positive action and eliminating the harmful patterns we commonly fall into that are preventable if we’re tuned in.”

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Source: Change This


Catching Zebras: Tranforming Your Sales Force by Shifting Your Focus

Jeffrey Koser & Chad Koser "The Zebra concept itself is simple. Create the profile of your perfect prospect and measure all other prospects against perfection. Zebra score every prospect, decide your tipping point and don’t go over it. This is the hard part. Saying no for sales people is very hard. Yes is in their vernacular. No isn't even in their DNA. So when we tell you that part of the success of this process is to say 'no,' you'll understand this process will take some inspection to ensure it succeeds. Someone once said you can't expect what you don't inspect. Inspection is necessary for the Zebra way to succeed. You can drag a Zebra to water... you get the idea."

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Source: Change This