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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Change (112)


Mapping the Big Picture (the Core Briefing)

Many people are concerned about the future, and indeed are actively working within their own sphere to do the things we need to do to create a positive future. Others are concerned, but do not have a clear idea of the kinds of changes we need to make in order to have a viable society in, say, 30 years. We are at a remarkable point of choice at this time in human history. The decisions and actions we take today will have huge consequences for young people alive now – some of whom may be reading this manual – and certainly for all grandchildren yet to be born. It is well established that our rate of ecological deterioration is worsening, not improving, despite local improvements in some areas. We are in a race between exponentially increasing environmental deterioration and people’s increasing desire to make the changes necessary to avoid collapse. Which will determine our future? Will we be the generation that fulfils humanity’s promise, or the generation that knowingly destroys the Earth?

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Design Thinking: A Strategy for Innovation

Here are some interesting insights from Linda Naiman - Creativity at Work, she has some fantastic networks...

Design-thinking for innovation


Innovation Practices for Leaders

The revolution taking place in design — as it emerges from its traditional role of serving commerce — to a role of leading, shaping and directing the way we live and work, presents tremendous opportunities for leaders in business and government. CEOs of major corporations are now applying design principles to strategy and innovation. The success rate for innovation dramatically improves when it is designed.

P&G is using design-thinking to change its culture. Leadership is listening, learning, and deploying; cross-functional teams are cracking vexing problems across its business landscape; and visualization, prototyping, and iteration are facilitating communication internally and with customers like never before. (BusinessWeek July 28, 2008)Design-thinking for Innovation

A design mind-set is not problem-focused, it’s solution focused, and action oriented. The purpose of design, ultimately, is to improve quality of life. Empathy is key to design success.

From a design point of view, truly innovative products speak to their users' emotions, according to Yves Behar (Fast Company 2004), who designs radical innovations to well established consumer products for companies such as Nike and Toshiba. It's the emotional connection you make with employees and customers that wins their loyalty.

The design way of thinking can be applied to systems, situations, procedures, protocols, and innovation. We can design the way we lead, manage, create and innovate.

Contact Linda Naiman for design training and consulting


Innovation Is Only An Outcome!!

(These are the opening remarks I made at the first meeting of AGSM Executive Programmes Roundtable on Leadership, Creativity and Innovation) The word innovation, still in these very hard and disturbing times appears almost daily in the media. There are 360 million references to innovation on Google and on my Google Daily RSS feed I receive notice of new books and articles released daily globally on the topic. And now I get emails daily suggesting that innovation will be the saviour of the current economic times. Every job advertisement talks about the applicant having the need to be creative and innovative. It appears this thing called innovation is a common everyday occurrence. The reality is one might be able to talk about it as if it is. In practice, the reality is very different. Innovation is an outcome. Nothing more. Creativity and invention with their fellow travellers risk, experimentation and the until more recently undiscussable “f” word “failure” are the drivers of innovation.

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When did you win an argument lately - Argue with us here...

Here is a way to argue on a professional level - that creates results... Let's view the question "Do senior leaders need to understand how to think creatively before they can lead creatively?" Contact us to discuss how to commercialize this project with your staff and clients

How to Innovate through Standardisation...

Andrew White is a Gartner Blogger. In the article I excerpt below he refers to the work of Andrew McAfee. That reminded me to go and take a look at McAfee's blog, which I hadn't checked since the end of 2008. McAfee is one of the main thinkers behind the concept of Enterprise 2.0 and a professor at Harvard who contributes on the subject of Enterprise 2.0 to MITSloan Management Review and the Harvard Business Review. Below is an extract from Andrew White's blog post: New Research Published – How to Innovate through Standardization… "The authors believe this acceleration in competition is a result of companies’ standardization and digitization of business processes, which makes those processes easier to replicate widely through the use of enterprise IT. "The ‘trick’ is not that standardized processes lead to innovation – that is not the point of the research. The point is that business leaders have figured out how to use IT as a platform in order to simplify and speed up the deployment of innovative/unique business processes across the entire enterprise. So the real message behind the research is, “how to leverage one’s innovation more quickly”." Many Gartner consultants post articles to the company's blogsite. They don't give you the company's latest research for free but the blog articles give a good sense of recent

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