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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Change (112)


Moving Forward Together: Leadership Spotlight

How will the Studio enrich and transform the educational experience of our students? What will they able to do there? The Noel Studio will provide a unique opportunity for EKU students to improve their communication skills. Students frequently encounter assignments that require them to write a paper or to give an individual or group presentation. Most of these assignments require incorporating good information. Rather than go to individual centers that focus on one aspect of the assignment, students will be able to work in the creative environment of the Studio to develop, refine, support, organize, and articulate their ideas. There will be spaces to creatively and tactilely envision and revision their ideas; to video themselves as they practice their presentations; and to find credible and relevant information for their projects. Trained Studio staff will be available to guide students through all of these activities.

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Network effects; youth vs adults; reshaping publics

Social media is not new. Media has been leveraged for sociable purposes since the caveman's walls. Even in the realm of the Internet, some of the first applications were framed around communication and sharing. For decades, we've watched the development of new genres of social media - MUDs/MOOs, instant messaging, chatrooms, bulletin boards, etc. Social media is the latest buzzword in a long line of buzzwords. It is often used to describe the collection of software that enables individuals and communities to gather, communicate, share, and in some cases collaborate or play. In tech circles, social media has replaced the earlier fave "social software." Academics still tend to prefer terms like "computer-mediated communication" or "computer-supported cooperative work" to describe the practices that emerge from these tools and the old school academics might even categorize these tools as "group-work" tools. Social media is driven by another buzzword: "user-generated content" or content that is contributed by participants rather than editors. But for the last few years, everyone's been abuzz with the idea of "social media." Right now, those who want VC backing need to bake the "social" into any Web 2.0 app they create. There are many new genres of social media that have gained traction here: blogs, wikis, media-sharing sites, social network sites, social bookmarking, virtual worlds, microblogging sites, etc. These tools are part of a broader notion of "Web2.0." Yet-another-buzzword, Web 2.0 means different things to different people.

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Negotiation for Music, Art and Sciences

Tuning the voice of an acoustic grand piano is the process of ensuring that the pitch of each key on the piano creates the intended sound of a musical note, such as A, B flat or C sharp. Tuning the voice of an effective leader or negotiator is the process of developing and maintaining the five keys or components of emotional intelligence which are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy and relationship management. Toning the voice of an acoustic grand piano is the process of adjusting, through softening or hardening, the striking action of the hammers against the strings in order to fully utilize the dynamic range of the entire piano keyboard. Toning the voice of an effective leader or negotiator is developing the ability to recognize the personal and cultural differences among people, and recalibrating our tune or voice as a leader or negotiator, to effectively create a meaningful connection with each distinct person or audience.

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Serious Games for Business, and more...

Gaming is entering the commercial field - seriously

Just check out this link from the ABC for more information




Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Chip Heath and Dan Heath have introduced a new "sticky guide" on making your ideas stick, and eliminating the ones that ought to die. How do you make your ideas stick or prevail (without being a dictator)? Just today, I was trying to make my thirteen year old son do some backyard work (cleaning the table, chair, moving the garbage bins, and picking up our dog's poop). As a dad, I asked him twice to do this chore (and forgot that this was a weekend when he wanted to relax a bit). He told me he already did the work (he had only partially done the work). Finally, I had to raise my voice and even yell at him to get up and go out, and finish the work. Which he did, albeit grudgingly.

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