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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in business (95)


Wanted: The Next Great Management Idea - Management Innovation Exchange

Here’s a chance for the world’s MBA students to put their expensive education to work and maybe even make a few bucks in the process. The Management Innovation Exchange, an project aimed at reinventing management for the 21st century, and HCL Technologies, a global IT services provider, are offering more than $50,000 in prizes for the best new game-changing management ideas. The HCL MBA M-Prize competition is open to all current graduate business school students and will honor “the best new idea for making organizations more adaptable, more innovative, more inspiring, and more socially accountable.”

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Analytics - The New Path to Value - Keep Existing Capabilities While Adding New Ones - MIT Sloan Management Review

Analytics: The New Path to Value: How the Smartest Organizations Are Embedding Analytics to Transform Insights Into Action is an excellent research report from the 2010 New Intelligent Enterprise Global Executive Study and Research Project conducted by MIT in association with the IBM Institute for Business Value. Here is part 6 of the Report chosen because it deals with insights, modelling and visualisations - the basis of the Creative Leadership Forum's Management Innovation Index

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The 7 Biggest Challenges in Merging Design and Business | Helen Waters - Co.Design

A couple of weeks ago, I was discussing coming to this event with a designer friend of mine. “What are you going to talk about?” he asked. “Oh, you know. How in the 21st century economy, design provides the differentiating factor that can really determine whether a modern day company thrives or fails,” I said merrily. His reaction was not quite what I’d hoped for. In fact, he laughed in my face. “That old shtick? Ugh. Are people *still* saying that?” he asked with a hint of derision in his voice. “Er. Yes?” I stammered in reply. Now bear in mind that this was a designer talking! This was not a jaded executive with no connection to the creative department. This was someone who has devoted years of study and thousands of dollars to getting a well-rounded design education. He’s worked hard and done well, working as a designer in various major American corporations hailed for their attention to innovation and design. He is you.
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Helen Walters Helen Walters is a New York City-based business and design journalist with experience writing, editing and publishing content across multiple platforms, online and offline. The former editor of innovation and design at Bloomberg Businessweek, she is currently working as a writer, editor and researcher at innovation consultancy Doblin, part of Monitor Group.

How Ideas Take Flight - Stanford's Entrepreneurship Corner: Jennifer Aaker, Stanford University, GSB

Stanford Graduate School of Business professor Jennifer Aaker shares the power behind creating ideas that can build momentum. Through her research on the perception of happiness and meaning, Aaker describes how these concepts relate to a successful and powerful social media campaign. A well-planned effort catches audience attention and offers them an engaging story. Aaker, co-author of The Dragonfly Effect, also offers several personal and corporate examples of effective viral campaigns that garnered real world, and even life-saving, results.


The 5 Key Discovery Skills NeededTo Be A Creative Entrepreneur - INSEAD

A major new study involving some 3,500 executives has highlighted the key skills that innovative and creative entrepreneurs need to develop. The six-year-long research into disruptive innovation by INSEAD professor Hal Gregersen, Jeffrey Dyer of Brigham Young University and Clayton Christensen of Harvard, outlines five 'discovery' skills you need. But, says Gregersen, you don’t have to be ‘great in everything.’ Some well-known business leaders such as Apple’s Steve Jobs and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos rely on their own particular strengths since innovative entrepreneurs rarely excel at all five discovery skills. For example, Scott Cook of Intuit is strong in observational skills. Marc Benioff, founder of Salesforce.com, does a lot of networking, he says. As for Bezos, “experimentation was his forte,” while Jobs is “incredibly strong at associating.”

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