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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in education (63)


Optimising A Lead Generation Marketing Budget In Tough Times

Everyone needs to generate leads in business. But where does the future take us... In 2009, we're all going to hear more talk than ever before about what constitutes "quality" online leads. And there will be plenty of accompanying disagreement about what the word quality means as lead buyers try to squeeze the most out of their pressured budgets. In some markets, it may take days or even months before a buyer can truly assess the quality of a given lead. Moreover, quality can be volatile month to month, even from the same lead source. If you can't reliably measure quality, how do you know if you're paying the right price for leads? How can you effectively manage your call center when lead quality goes up and down? The overwhelming majority of lead buyers have no idea how to predict which individual leads have the best chance of converting. So it will be up to the best-informed sellers to help educate the lead generation marketplace. One of the best places to look for such guidance is the online education sector,

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Ralph Kerle appointed chairman of AGSM roundtable

AGSM Executive Programs, Australia's leading business school, has appointed Ralph Kerle as Chair of their inaugural Roundtable initiative on Leadership, Creativity and Innovation. Building on the research Ralph has produced on 'Is Australian management creative and innovative?' the Roundtable, scheduled for February 2009, will draw together leaders from Australian business, education, enterprise and government with the express purpose of exploring and scoping the future needs for executive management and development nationally in the area of leadership, creativity and innovation.

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www.newmediaminded.com.au is the type of business model innovation that Australian industry and government desperately needs. It is the brain child of Scott-Bradley Pearce, Strategic Business Development, CBS Interactive, a digital media pioneer who has worked in and co-owned some of Australia’s leading digital agencies, including Big Hand Asia Pacific, Brainwaave Interactive and MediaZoo and as a result has developed a specific interest in that old-fashion notion - convergence. The site's purpose is to offer students in digital media studies an opportunity to engage with each other whilst working in the real world using real challenges offered by prospective employees gaining practical on the job experience. This may seem relatively simple as a business model at first. Get students to do your work at piecemeal rates was my initial cynical perspective. However, that thinking would be cliched and deceptive. Pearce's business model is really creating a very specific collaborative ecology through building a framework for the potentiality of convergence to occur - very smart contemporary business model thinking!!

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