Ralph Kerle appointed chairman of AGSM roundtable

AGSM Executive Programs, Australia's leading business school, has appointed Ralph Kerle as Chair of their inaugural Roundtable initiative on Leadership, Creativity and Innovation. Building on the research Ralph has produced on 'Is Australian management creative and innovative?' the Roundtable, scheduled for February 2009, will draw together leaders from Australian business, education, enterprise and government with the express purpose of exploring and scoping the future needs for executive management and development nationally in the area of leadership, creativity and innovation.
Reader Comments (5)
Congratulations. The AGSM is one of my old schools (6 weeks residential in mid-80s) so it is good to see them working with you, and in this area at an important time. Shows real promise that they are calling on someone who knows what he's doing. Let me know if you need any support, always glad to help.