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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in CLF (15)


5 Power Keys For Leadership Success

Did you know that you can successfully handle most leadership challenges with just 5 simple strategies? By focusing your attention on these critical areas you can empower your the opportunities hiding within your vision, new venture or project plans. The biggest problem facing people like you is knowing when, what and how to operate your leadership power keys.

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CLF Christmas Gifts for You

To celebrate a great 2008 with growth of our network, we have provided a FREE CLF Membership to all our enewsletter subscribers at no charge for 2009... Saving $399. Benefits include: Free news and access to our exclusive research. Invitations to contributewith our online programs and interviews. Invitations and Discounts on our public Executive Leadership Education Programs. Entry to our competitions and more to be released in 2009...

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The Emergence of Digital Media as an Information AND a Learning Tool

At last we are beginning to see the emergence into the mainstream of digital media, not only as an information tool but as a learning tool as well. However it still takes some effort to find out just what is available in the way of free learning. On a feed I get from Presentation Zen, I noticed a reference to Ben Zander that took me to Pop Tech, an obvious competitor to TED that ulimately took me to DIGG that took me to a site that provided on line links to recent lectures from MIT, Harvard, Stamford, Oxford etc.. Now the information revolution is beginning to take shape. As Clay Shirky says in his book, Here Comes Everybody whether we think access to so much information is a good or bad thing is now beyond considering, it is a reality!


CSTC Gathering - Improving Skilled Performance with Andrew Gaines

Yesterday I had the pleasure of joining colleagues at the Sydney pre Christmas gathering of the Creative Skills Training Council. Andrew Gaines - CEO, Alliance for Sustainable Well Being was our presenter for the evening and he gave us some insights on Moshe Feldenkrais Moshe Feldenkrais was said to be a genius about the body. He was actually a genius about improving the operation of the central nervous system. All skilled activity is mediated by the central nervous system. Feldenkrais developed a way of improving the coordination of the central nervous system by working with the body.

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The Metric Behind the Slogan

One of The Creative Leadership Forum's partner presenters - Michael Schrage, has recently had this story published by Booz and Company Inc in their Strategy+Business Magazine. The Metric Behind the Slogan provides an interesting insight into the history of metrics and the impacts they have made on business. We recommend the read...

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