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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in business (95)


An Experiment in Collaborative Business Model Innovation

I came across Business Model Generation courtesy of those I am following on Twitter and it looks to offer some new thinking around business model innovation. Here is their preamble. Synopsis Disruptive new business models are emblematic of our generation. Yet they remain poorly understood, even as they transform competitive landscapes across industries. Business Model Generation offers you powerful, simple, tested tools for understanding, designing, reworking, and implementing business models. Business Model Generation is a practical, inspiring handbook for anyone striving to improve a business model — or craft a new one.

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Executive Education is Dead As We Know It, Where to from Here?

This is no idle statement. Read the opening statement from the Harvard Business Centenary Global Business Summit "Business Education in 21st Century. ...On the whole, MBA programs are in decline. Their value is being questioned, and they are seen as overly emphasizing analytics rather than skill development and experiences. Deans, executives, and recruiters identified four main areas where current MBA programs are falling short: leadership; globalization; communication/presentation skills; and problem identification in ambiguous environments... It came as a shock to The Creative Leadership Forum to see our own research so strongly validated on the failure of business school education to provide practical business skills by the most famous business school brand globally. And the trend is not just in America. Since the global financial crisis in November 2008, Australia's leading business schools have had dramatic drops in attendance of up to 70%

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The Professional Practising Philosopher at a Business School

This transcript of an interview with John Armstrong, Philosopher in Residence, at Melbourne Business School conducted by Alan Saunders's Philosophers Zone programme on the ABC suggests the possibility of a business school syllabus that deals in the history and philosophy of ideas. Armstrong says a business school can offer an environment in which questions such as What makes a good business? What makes a business career successful in a broader sense rather than just economics; What are the bigger images of success in life? can be geuninely explored and the reaction from the participants in his programmes has offered rcih learnings from both sides!!

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A 30 Second MBA - A reality or is it just gimmicky branding?

The teminally hip, Fast Company have come up with a site entitled the 30second MBA. They have assembled a small faculty of on-line experts, combined Twitter and it looks like a Ning platform to create an on-line classroom operating in real time with a weekly syllabus. Week 13 topic is How Do I Prepare For A Presentation? The only concern I have is they haven't included the world's best presentation guru, Garr Reynolds of Presentation Zen.

This is a neat way of learning and time will tell whether it is just more information rather than more data pollution information being offered as knowledge. It certainly offers practical advice and after all isn't that what business is all about - practice!!

Try and let us know what you think!.





Google and Wharton Business School Create YouTube Channel

Google and The Wharton School have partnered to gather and provide quick perspective on managing the change in the marketing landscape through a video channel on You Tube they have entitled Fast Forward.

Here is their rationale..

As we explore what will define success through marketing’s continual evolution, we aim to share ideas and lessons learned to help keep us all better informed and effective as the game - and conversation - rapidly progresses.

Marketing is in the midst of a complex transformation. As consumers become more technologically sophisticated and choices multiply, marketing must adapt. Tune in to viewpoints from industry and academic thought leaders to acquire inspiring, empowering and actionable insights.