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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Writing (7)


The Future of Digital BookTechnology Demonstrated - Mike Matas

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This just great!! Software developer Mike Matas demos the first full-length interactive book for the iPad -- with clever, swipeable video and graphics and some very cool data visualizations to play with. The book is "Our Choice," Al Gore's sequel to "An Inconvenient Truth."

The Story of Storify - Ralph Kerle, the Creative Leadership Forum

Diigo Group on Web 2.0 Tools moderated by Helen Baxter, Producer of the g33k show is a constant weekly source of insight into how and at what pace the web is really developing. I have been able to become a BETA tester in all sorts of new and wonderful Web 2.0 apps ranging from one of the most wonderful new music downloading programmes that was shut down two weeks after it launched obviously because of its extraordinary ability to find every obscure and known music track on the Web within 30 seconds to the launch of Googles new plug-in for for the Office suite. For me though the most fascinating new web 2.0 tool has been Storify - an on-line application that "makes stories from the social Web, finding moments to remember in the real-time stream".

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The 4 Elements of Visual Grammar: How To Communicate Without Words | Van SEO Design

I often use the phrase “visual design” when describing what we do as web designers. Recently I came across what I think is better phrase, “communication design.” When we design and build websites our goal is usually to communicate something to an audience. Communication requires language. That language can be aural as in the spoken word, it can be gestural as in sign language, or it can be visual as in design. The more you understand any language the better you can communicate using that language. The visual language of design is no exception. Design elements are like letters and words. When we add design principles and apply them to our elements, our words, we form a visual grammar. As we learn to use both we enable ourselves to communicate visually.

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How We Think as We Work and How We Find Our Muses - Harvard Busines Review

I'm in Word. I write a sentence. I revise the second half. I delete it all. I try to recall the original. I think I've got it. I stare at the phrase "brought home to me." It starts to look funny. I google it. Minutes, sometimes hours, pass in this state of indecision. It's not how I'd like to work, but too often it is how I work. My only saving grace is that eventually my train of thought does find its focus, usually with nary a moment to spare. If I must make a 5:00 pm deadline, clarity shows up promptly at 4:47. It seems that as much as deadlines push me to action, the mounting pressure to make them sparks creativity. In a talk given for TEDIndia

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In Hypermusic Prologue, physicist Lisa Randall re-imagines her extradimensional theories of the universe as opera

Since writing a bestselling book on her fascinating and complex extra-dimensional theory of the universe, Harvard physicist Lisa Randall has been busy re-imagining it as an appropriately cerebral art form—opera. After three years of development, Hypermusic Prologue: A Projective Opera in Seven Planes premiered at Paris’s prestigious Centre Pompidou in June and, like Randall’s book Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe’s Hidden Dimensions [Buy], it manages to translate the impenetrable world of theoretical physics into something that not only appeals to scientists, but to anyone willing to look beyond the obvious for clues about the nature of reality.

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