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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Tools (32)


Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming Templates - MindMeister

Hot off the press is a series of new mind-mapping templates by Mindmeister. Here are some excellent mindmaps already constructed around topics such as on-line business and monetisation; social media frameworks; best visualisation search networks and many other topics.

Altogether there is over 11,000 templates on this site so it is a great resource and certainly worth having a look.


Anybody Can Learn to Become A Better Idea Generator

Everybody can make himself better at creating ideas. People can increase their creativity by improving their knowledge about the topic ideas should be generated about, practising a range of idea-generation methods, making efforts to create a lot of ideas and having the right attitude, says Lassi Liikkanen, a researcher from Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT. Liikkanen has just finished his PhD on creating ideas in conceptual design. In his thesis, Liikkanen modelled the idea-generation process. For him creating ideas means that a person processes memorized information and combines it in new ways. According to Liikkanen, results improve if the person obtains more background information on the topic. The more a person knows about the topic and can learn from others, the more chances he has to make novel combinations of knowledge.

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The Creativity Based Resource Centre at the International Center for Studies in Creativity.

I stumbled across this wonderful resource The Creativity Based Resource Centre at the International Center for Studies in Creativity at State University of New York, Buffalo accidentally and came across a treasure trove on finely researched and written theses on creative problem solving, creative leadership and cross-cultural creativity from the only Masters programme globally to my knowledge that specialises in this topic.

This site is highly recommended and well worth visiting.




Web 2.0 Literacy Tools Master List

Here is a comprehensive list of the latest web2.0 literacy tools compiled by Naomi Harm, an Innovative Educator 2.0  It offers links to everything web 2.0 - bookmarking, capture and snag-it, free digital photo sites, free digital editing and conversation files, flash and share presentations, interactive whiteboards, free music and sound editing, sharing sites, timeline creators, url shortens and much more. Could keep a web2.0 nerd active for many hours and could solve your urgent web2.0 need for a presentation very quickly.




Top 10 Web Collaboration Tools (That Aren't Google Wave) 

You've probably heard about a hard-to-get, hugely new service called Google Wave. Lest ye forget, there are plenty of web-based collaboration tools that don't require learning a new way of speaking. Here are a few of our (mostly free) favorites.

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