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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in digital (11)


The Revolution Will Be Printed – Why A Book and Not A Blog - Mike Walsh, Futuretainment

The first question my publisher asked me was why a book and not a blog? Three years ago when I started working on Futuretainment, that was already a tough question to answer. With eBooks now on the crest of critical mass, it hasn’t got any easier. Last week, my book hit the shelves. Although you can buy it on Amazon, you can’t read it on a Kindle. In fact, with 300 pages of illustrations, original photographs and custom designed typography – it is about as Kindle friendly as a bathtub. That was a deliberate decision on my part, but it comes at a time when the very concept of a book is changing.

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Digital Accounting : Business Model Changing innovation - David Birch, Digital Money Blog

[Dave Birch] One thing that struck me about PayPal's "Innovate 2010" conference in San Francisco, in (I have to say) fairly stark contrast to many of the events I attend in the more traditional banking world is just how much innovation was actually going on. Too often I'm tempted into a presentation on radical innovation in international payments only to find that the radical innovation being discussed is changing field 27 of message type 94 from two bits to three bits. At Innovate, though, the innovation was real: entirely new products and services that depend on the existence of the new payment platform underneath them.

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Devising An Opera On-line Using Crowdsourcing. 

This is one of the most creative online endeavours I have seen - devising an opera on line using the crowdsourcing method. It is worth just visiting the web site to watch the project unfold.


Innovating the 21st-Century University: It’s Time! by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams

This lengthy and yet highly important article in my view forms the basis of a really important discussion that is now occuring globally. Here Tapschott and Williams offer a cogent and compelling plan for re-inventing universities for 21st Century. Read this article and forward it to every single person you know is involved in education. "Encyclopedias, newspapers, and record labels have a lot in common. They all are in the business of producing content. They recruit, manage, and compensate capable producers. Their products are composed of atoms — books, papers, CDs, DVDs — and are costly to create and distribute. Their products are proprietary, and they take legal action against those who infringe their intellectual property. Because they create unique value, their customers pay them, and they have revenue. Their business is possible because of scarcity: quality news, information, knowledge, learning, art.

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Web 2.0 Literacy Tools Master List

Here is a comprehensive list of the latest web2.0 literacy tools compiled by Naomi Harm, an Innovative Educator 2.0  It offers links to everything web 2.0 - bookmarking, capture and snag-it, free digital photo sites, free digital editing and conversation files, flash and share presentations, interactive whiteboards, free music and sound editing, sharing sites, timeline creators, url shortens and much more. Could keep a web2.0 nerd active for many hours and could solve your urgent web2.0 need for a presentation very quickly.