Analysis as a Framework for Organizational Strategy - Ralph Kerle, The Creative Leadership Forum

Here is another Storify offering around organizational strategy - this time around how social media describes "analysis" as a concept

Making Innovation Happen
Here is another Storify offering around organizational strategy - this time around how social media describes "analysis" as a concept
The annual Computer-Assisted Reporting Conference that concluded in Raleigh, N.C., on Sunday was extraordinarily rich in useful free tool for all sorts of data analysis and visualization, thanks to invitations accepted by computer scientists from Google, MIT, Stanford and the like. Here are links to 13 of these free tools that I found to be particularly useful for data analysis in journalism:
All strategists grapple with the question of how to create and preserve competitive advantage. But individual perspectives are likely to differ, depending on a company’s strategic journey, the industry
it’s in, and the idiosyncrasies of the organization. We talked with four current or former senior strategists from diverse corporate environments and markets about their strategic challenges—and came away with four distinct, thought-provoking lists of strategic tests.
More and more companies are starting to appreciate that creativity tools simply don't work in an organizational context. The Creative Leadership Forum discovered this in 2008 in their major research project "Is Australian management creative and innovative?" . This Booz&Co article entitled "How Aha! Really Happens re-affirms our findings.
Read the full article here