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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Strategy (71)


How Management Innovation Happens - MIT Sloan Review

An insight article from Julian Birkinshaw and Michael Mol from the London School of Economics in which they suggest companies need to understand the four typical stages of the management innovation process. According to the authors, few companies understand how such innovation occurs and how to encourage it and thus to foster new management ideas and techniques, companies first need to understand the process of management innovation. This article outlines those processes and stages..

Click here to download the full article


Time to Retire Strategic Planning and Adopt Innovation Strategy - Kamal Hassan

It’s almost that time of year again. Strategic planning teams all over the world will gather behind closed doors in a vain attempt to predict the future – except for the visionary ones who are saying “Enough!” They have realized that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is, well, simply crazy. Remember the first James Bond movie you ever saw? Regardless of who was playing 007, you couldn’t help but be swept up as he outgunned and outsmarted the bad guys and saved the day. Now think of the last James Bond movie you saw. Did it give you the same thrill? Or did you almost fall asleep? It’s not the actor, or the mind-numbing car chases and explosions to blame. It’s the fact that we’ve seen it all before, year after year, we know how it ends. We’re left feeling vaguely unsatisfied, hoping for something more substantial.

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The Difference Between CEO's To-Day And Future Corporate Leaders - Social Responsibility Is Essential - SVW

The students were asked many of the same questions as the CEOs. This made it easier to look for commonalities and differences between these two generations - one at the top of their careers, the other about to start out on theirs. The students are from a much different world than the CEOs. These students have no nostalgia for a simpler era, because they never knew one. They grew up in a complex world. They intuitively understand the tenets of globalization.

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Strategy by Design and the Importance of Enterprise Architecture - Booz and Co

For years, many companies have experienced a problematic tension between their IT departments and business units. On the one hand, IT works best when it is tied tightly to the company’s overall business goals. That’s why chief information officers have long worked to get a seat at the executive table — to help set the company’s strategic mandate and align IT with the organization’s aspirations. On the other hand, business unit executives remain doubtful about IT’s ability to support them in creating value. And despite the best intentions of managers on both sides of this gap, companies continue to struggle to integrate IT systems and to determine whether IT actually improves performance, and if so, by how much.

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OECD Innovation Strategy

Just launched, the OECD Innovation Strategy. Download a summary from here. The Creative Leadership Forum would be really interested in your thoughts on its content in particular its recommendations, its outcome, styles and future directions..

The OECD also offers a YouTube Channel containing a series of interviews accompanying the document.



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