Continuous Management Innovation: What, Why and How?
Professor Gary Hamel is one of the world's leaders prescribing innovation in management. Learn from what he has to say...
Making Innovation Happen
Professor Gary Hamel is one of the world's leaders prescribing innovation in management. Learn from what he has to say...
Strategies for success and leadership In the Innovation Management Study 2008, A.T. Kearney analyzes the qualities and practices of successful innovation, and also recognizes companies that demonstrate mastery of innovation. The study expands on A.T. Kearney’s European Best Innovator Competition, including more than 250 companies worldwide, from across industries. Our study finds that the most successful innovators: Have a clear focus on a robust innovation strategy and invest three times more effort on the front end of the innovation process Open the innovation process to include parties outside the company, such as suppliers, customers, academia, etc. These findings and others suggest important issues for companies: Do you have the right strategy and supporting network?
Yesterday I had the pleasure of joining colleagues at the Sydney pre Christmas gathering of the Creative Skills Training Council. Andrew Gaines - CEO, Alliance for Sustainable Well Being was our presenter for the evening and he gave us some insights on Moshe Feldenkrais Moshe Feldenkrais was said to be a genius about the body. He was actually a genius about improving the operation of the central nervous system. All skilled activity is mediated by the central nervous system. Feldenkrais developed a way of improving the coordination of the central nervous system by working with the body.
The Creative Leadership Forum's full report from their research on 'Is Australian management creative and innovative?' can be downloaded here.
Here is the full text of the speech I gave at the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Services Rountable in Sydney on November 5 launching the Creative Leadership Forum National Research Report"Is Australian management creative and innovative?" To-day the word innovation appears almost daily in the media. There are 360 million references to innovation on Google and on the Google Daily RSS feed I receive notice of new books and articles released daily globally on the topic. Every expert offers a different solution! Every job advertisement talks about the applicant having the need to be creative and innovative. It appears this thing called innovation is a common everyday occurrence. One might be able to talk about it as if it is. In practice, the reality is very different.