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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in leadership (183)


A Formula for Managing On-Going Change - Booz and Co

Business transformation is now a continuous process most companies have not mastered. In this article from the well regarded Booz@Co strategy+business magazine, partners from Booz&Co offer a framework that can assist organisations in this vital process.

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How Management Innovation Happens - MIT Sloan Review

An insight article from Julian Birkinshaw and Michael Mol from the London School of Economics in which they suggest companies need to understand the four typical stages of the management innovation process. According to the authors, few companies understand how such innovation occurs and how to encourage it and thus to foster new management ideas and techniques, companies first need to understand the process of management innovation. This article outlines those processes and stages..

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Should Leaders Ever Swear? - Harvard Business Review

The BP oil spill has devastated the Gulf of Mexico, pummeled the oil company's market value, and created a lingering problem for the Obama Administration, which has been criticized for responding too cerebrally, without sufficient forcefulness or authenticity. The spill has also provided an interesting historical footnote: during an interview with Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show last week, Obama declared that one of his goals during meetings on the crisis has been to determine "whose ass to kick."

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The Difference Between CEO's To-Day And Future Corporate Leaders - Social Responsibility Is Essential - SVW

The students were asked many of the same questions as the CEOs. This made it easier to look for commonalities and differences between these two generations - one at the top of their careers, the other about to start out on theirs. The students are from a much different world than the CEOs. These students have no nostalgia for a simpler era, because they never knew one. They grew up in a complex world. They intuitively understand the tenets of globalization.

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Organisational Promotion and What it has to do with Chimpanzees - Andrew O'Keefe

One of the great mysteries of organisational life is how some people, who don’t seem so capable to their peers, just keep getting promoted. A few years ago two staff members were overheard sharing their frustration about their boss as they left a meeting with him, one colleague saying to the other, “Sooner or later, in a moment of madness, someone will promote him.” Let’s add a clue to solving the puzzle of moving up, or down, the pecking order. First let’s go to basic instincts in the animal world.

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