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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in knowledge management (4)


The Idea of A Knowledge Constitution for Organizations - The Network Singularity:  

Work in knowledge-based organizations is social. Activities include collaboration and sharing. Work products are improvisational. Success requires judgment and freedom to act. There is a heavy reliance on others. Trust is key. Knowledge creation and flow span organizational boundaries. Social networks propel excellence in knowledge-based organizations.

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Tacit knowledge: you don't know how much you know - New Scientist - Harry Collins

Take a long look at the Mona Lisa. How do you see her? As blobs of paint or as a woman with an enigmatic smile? Now explain how you came to see those blobs of paint as a smile. For your second mission, think back to learning to form sentences. Your parents never told you "verb in the middle" (if you're English) or "verb at the end" (if you're German) but still you picked it up. And, more remarkable, once you did, have you any idea how come this sentence breaks the rules but read it you still can? These abilities demonstrate what's known as "tacit knowledge" - something as big and taken for granted as "air", "thought", or "language". Take away tacit knowledge and the human world disappears. Without it, what we think of as knowledge, the "stuff" contained in our books and intellectual artefacts, would make no sense and be no more than noise. The big question is whether, or how far, this tacit knowledge can be made explicit.

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Managing Information In The Enterprise and The Cost of Failing To Do So - New Forbes Global Survey.

In their effort to turn piles of data into actionable information, large global enterprises are applying rigorous strategic thinking to using information management to contain costs and provide a competitive advantage. This study uncovers significant trends, misconceptions, and underlying roadblocks to better information management. How important is this? The study found that data-related problems could be costing most enterprises more than $5 million annually.

Click here to download and read the full report.


The 7 Key Components for Managing Creativity

I found this Fast Company article from 1997 quite fascinating. Click through and there is an even better article on the how to of designing creativity workshops. The MGTaylor mantra on managing for creativity goes something like this: All employees are inherently creative. That creativity is typically blocked by structural elements within a company. Eliminate the blockages, and you enable "group genius." In other words, you don't manage people; you manage the world in which they work, a world the Taylor's divide into seven key components, or domains.

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