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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in HR (21)


Finding the right place to start change - McKinsey Quarterly - Organization - Change Management

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Changing an entire large organization is never easy; only about a third of all such transformations succeed. One problem many organizations run into as they implement a change program is faltering momentum because employees just don’t change the way they work. Sometimes they don’t want to, and sometimes the reason is a poorly structured plan that makes change harder. Our recent experience at a European retail bank shows the benefits of starting to implement change by focusing on the employees who have the most influence over the daily work that needs to change. This approach can ensure that a successful transformation happens faster and that employees remain engaged in the long term.

This is a well researched article from McKinsey's. Whilst it is not ground breaking, it is worth a read just to remind yourself about what you do know about change.

Download the full article here.


Reviews of the Best Human Capital Books 2010

Download this excellent article reveiwing the top ten books on Human Capital for 2010 from Strategy and Business.


Work Beyond Borders - IBM Global Chief Human Resources Officers Study 2010

Entitled Work Beyond Borders, the 2010 IBM Chief Human Resources Officers Study says the three main concerns of CHROs globally are

  • Cultivating creative leaders — who can more nimbly lead in complex, global environments
  • Mobilizing for greater speed and flexibility — producing significantly greater capability to adjust underlying costs and faster ways to allocate talent
  • Capitalizing on collective intelligence — through much more effective collaboration across increasingly global teams.

Download and read the full report here


What is The Role of the Chief Innovation Officer - Mark W.Johnson, Innosight - BusinessWeek

Innovation isn't new, but appointing a C-suite member to oversee it is. Mark Johnson looks at how the CIO's role should be executed Ten years ago, you'd have been hard-pressed to find a chief innovation officer on any company's leadership team. Today such leading companies as AMD (AMD), Citigroup (C), Coca Cola (KO), DuPont (DD), Humana (HUM), and Owens Corning (OC) each have one. Many others, including Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), have senior leaders who are tasked with heading innovation in effect, if not in name. Not that innovation is new: Organizations have been innovating as long as companies have existed. Why the new role now? There are many reasons. Three stand out.

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Perceptions Matter | WriteforHR

A Leader’s Image Your image is the concept that others form about you as a result of the impressions you make on them. Your effectiveness as a leader is tied to your image. Your ability to project a leadership presence in the eyes of employees, customers, other important constituencies, and the general public is closely related to your ability to do your job well. Your image, then, can be either an asset or a liability as you engage in the tasks and roles of leadership. Many people make the mistake of assuming that paying attention to image building is superficial and therefore unimportant. However,

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