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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Future (112)


Mapping the Big Picture (the Core Briefing)

Many people are concerned about the future, and indeed are actively working within their own sphere to do the things we need to do to create a positive future. Others are concerned, but do not have a clear idea of the kinds of changes we need to make in order to have a viable society in, say, 30 years. We are at a remarkable point of choice at this time in human history. The decisions and actions we take today will have huge consequences for young people alive now – some of whom may be reading this manual – and certainly for all grandchildren yet to be born. It is well established that our rate of ecological deterioration is worsening, not improving, despite local improvements in some areas. We are in a race between exponentially increasing environmental deterioration and people’s increasing desire to make the changes necessary to avoid collapse. Which will determine our future? Will we be the generation that fulfils humanity’s promise, or the generation that knowingly destroys the Earth?

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What Social Media Is and What Social Media Is Not

This post touches upon what I feel social media is and isn’t. It does not matter what your purpose is for using social media. The key elements are and always will be the same. Your desired outcome is dictated by the basic fundamentals of the core of what social media is. This post touches upon the most important ones. I could have went on and on with this list, but I don't think that was needed to drive home what I'm trying to get across. Please feel free to add to it by leaving your thoughts and opinions in the comments.

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Plasticity of the brain - an interview

This interview is very interesting - particularly if you have kids, If you like it, check out the next post...

Environment, Future, Solutions - How can Environment Business Australia help you?

Attended an event yesterday conducted by the EBA – ‘Environment Business Australia’ The program was titled ‘Yes We Can’ and provided a resource of information from senior executives on how to build a major climate change action strategy from the business community. The objective they have is to strengthen Australia’s response to one of the world’s greatest challenges whilst building our next era of prosperity. The presentations were diverse and varied with introduction from two main contributors Dr David Karoly, School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne; IPCC author; member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists And Nick Sankey, Head of Utilities, Energy & Renewable Solutions, Commonwealth Bank Followed by a panel of nine – with short insights into what we can do. Given Australia has five times the global average of emissions, it is appropriate that we have many more discussions along these lines.

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Times are changing - explained in 30 seconds

Perhaps we are all ready to change, though how much? Here is an idea summarised in 30 secs