How To Design A Blog To Monetise without A Business Model - Foolhardy or Not - Darren Rowse

Earlier this week I launched a new blog: FeelGooder. This post will give some of the backstory behind it (expect another one next week with more). feelgooder.png What? Another blog? Are you crazy? One of the most common reactions I get when I mention that I’m starting a new blog is something along the lines of, “How are you going to fit that in?” Two months ago I wrote about the process I’d gone through to hire Georgina Laidlaw to work on content development and strategy for me. One of the reasons I expanded my team in this way was to create for myself some head space to dream and develop new projects. You’ve already seen some of these rolled out (the Free Getting Started Blogging course (with over 5000 participants already) and the soon-to-be-released ProBlogger Academy).