Characteristics of the Creative Leader (versus Authoritative Leader)

I made this chart for my presentation at Davos World Economic Forum on "Creative Leadership" in January 2009. Since it has been requested ... here it is. I hope it's useful. -JM
Authorative Leader | Creative Leader | |
Symbol of Authority More Sticks Hierarchical Linear Path Plan and Execute: Launching with 1.0 Sustaining Order Yes or No (clear) Literal in Tone Concerned with Being Right Think like a General or Conductor Delegates Actions Closed System One-Way Close the Ranks Follows the Manual Loves to Avoid Mistakes Reliability Orchestra Model Community in Harmony Wants to be Right Open to Limited Feedback Your Opinion Matters |
Symbol of Inspiration More Carrots Networked Nonlinear Path Iterate and Do: Living in Beta Taking Risks Maybe (comfort with ambiguity) Metaphorical in Tone Concerned with Being Real Think like an Artist or Designer Hands-On Driven Open System Interactive Permeable Improvises when Appropriate Loves to Learn from Mistakes Validity Jazz Ensemble Community in Conversation Hopes to be Right Open to Unlimited Critique What are You Really Thinking? |
PS Here it is in the original visual form.
Read more: "Characteristics of the Creative Leader (versus Authoritative Leader) - Creative Leadership" -
Source: Creative Leadership
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