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Interviews on Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation

A history of interviews with leaders by The Creative Leadership Forum, our associates and other media.


Entries in learning (3)


21st Century Fluency Group Project

This neat video presentation entitled "Infowhelm and Information Fluency" from the 21st Century Fluency Project, created by InfoSavvy Group, Vancouver, Canada asks the simple yet complex question with the tsunami of digital information being created daily, do we need to learn differently?


Sir Ken Robinson on Intelligences and The Importance of Being In Your Element

Sir Ken Robinson provides an insight to the Western Education systems and how its narrowness precludes us from learning how best we learn, the theme of his new book, The Element


The Chief Scientist of Australia talks about the Science of Learning

ABC Lateline interviews Penny Sackett, the Chief Scientist of Australia from Ralph Kerle on Vimeo.

Really good interview with Australia's ABC Lateline programme with Penny Sackett, Australia Chief Scientist talking about the science of learning, Australia's future scientific research agenda and how important social sciences and education are in this discussion.