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Interviews on Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation

A history of interviews with leaders by The Creative Leadership Forum, our associates and other media.


Entries in Economy (5)


Muhammad Yunus: Lifting People Worldwide out of Poverty

What began with a loan of $27 to 42 women in a small village 33 years ago has grown into a global microcredit movement that has changed the lives of millions of poor people around the world. Muhammad Yunus, founder and managing director of Bangladesh's Grameen Bank, was the guest speaker at Wharton's MBA commencement on May 17 and the recipient of an honorary doctor of laws degree during the University of Pennsylvania's commencement on May 18. Yunus spoke with Knowledge@Wharton about his successes, challenges and upcoming initiatives...

Joi Ito on Recession Entrepreneurship

Source: Big Think

Juan Enriquez: Tech evolution will eclipse the financial crisis

This interview could be one of the most influential from TED to date...

A conversation about economics with Nassim Taleb author of "The Black Swan"

Nassim is well known for his views, some interesting thoughts here... Source

Interview with Leo Apotheker and Andrew Mcafee

A conversation with Léo Apotheker, co-CEO and a member of the Executive Board of SAP AG and Andrew Mcafee of the Technology and Operations Management Unit at Harvard Business School Source