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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________



NPOD - A Highly Successful Australian Leadership Initiative

The 2007 1st National People and Organizations Development Summit (NPOD) held in Sydney in February provided Australia with powerful new insights from an array of high profile international speakers. The importance of these insights will take some time to surface in the business world and yet they contain vital messages and clues for organizations as we steam into the Information Economies of the 21st Century. Gladwell on Judgment William Gladwell, author of the Tipping Point and Blink commenced the keynote sessions with a presentation that was entitled "What goes into judgment?"

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Leaders of Innovation Score 2 out of 3

The 5th event in the excellent Leaders of Innovation Dinner series presented by Adair Innovation was held on February 14 at the Australian Technology Park, Redfern and offered three very different perspectives on innovation in the emerging digital industry. The Thoughts of a Successful Start Up To open the night, Ian Gardiner Managing Director, Viocorp, a company specialising in the distribution and production of audio and video content using the internet provided a classic case study in a successful start-up

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Creative Leadership Forum Newsletter Feb 1, 2007 - Creative Leadership from Around the Globe

Former CBC Journalist Don Hill's New 20 Part Radio Documentary Series "Inspiring Leadership" What exactly is leadership? And what is leading in the 21st century? It’s a question put to over 50 leaders in a series of conversations for INSPIRING LEADERSHIP, a new CKUA Radio Network series about leading in the 21st Century. You’ll hear from people at the top of their game: Preston Manning, Elizabeth May, leading academics like Henry Mintzberg and Leroy Little Bear, business leaders such as Charlie Fischer and Eric Newell ­ conversations that make a difference.

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The CLF Announces Its 2007 Plans

"Creative Leadership; Its Pivotal and Emerging Role in Business Decision Making" International Masterclass led by Dr. Goran Carstedt Sydney ONLY. Dr. Goran Carstedt, is the former Head of IKEA Europe, President, Volvo and is currently Global Steward for the Society for Organizational Learning (SOL). His experience as leader of some of the worlds' most successful organizations allows Goran to demonstrate how to tap into energies of people to create something that matters deeply.. The CLF is delighted to be able to offer this rare and intimate opportunity with Goran Carstedt

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2006 Year in Review.

The Creative Leadership Forum was born in November 2005 as a result of national research that clearly indicated creativity and innovation were on Federal and State governments' agenda both from an economic and skills training perspective. The CLF research was confirmed in March 2006 with an excellent report from the Business Council of Australia under the title in March 2006 entitled New Concepts in Innovation - The Key To Growing Australia. http://www.bca.com.au/Content.aspx?ContentID=100408

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