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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________



What Would President Kennedy Say About Creative Leadership?

Robert Taraschi of Milestone Ideas on creative leadership. Bob is a former theatre director at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre Company in the UK, who like myself found a new world and a new passion in applying theatrical methodologies to the development of people's creative leadership and creativity skills. Bob's writing, driven by his creative experience in theatre, comes straight from the heart rather than the rationally constrained mind of the academic and because of that I find his writing honest and accessible and his search for meaning in the field of creative leadership quite profound. I offer his recent piece on reflections on President Kennedy's leadership as an introduction. In Boston, the USS John Kennedy, the aircraft carrier, named for the late President, bids us farewell. The carrier was frequently stationed in the Mediterranean, projecting power and authority in a tumultuous Middle East.

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Oliver Sachs on Creativity and the Brain

Oliver Sacks, the acclaimed author of Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat, spoke to an enthusiastic crowd in Moore Theater on Wednesday. The speech, "Creativity and the Brain" was sponsored by the Montgomery Endowment. There are innumerable sorts of creativity,Sacks said as he listed perceptual, natural, individual and communal creativity, along with creative driving and creative cooking,as examples. Sacks emphasized that creativity provides inspiration to all people. "Creativity is universal," Sacks said. "We all dream, and in dreams we have fantastic adventures unrestrained by reality." Sacks said learning in general is essential to the formation of creativity. Experiences must be "digested" and internalized before they can be used effectively, but once a creative seed is planted virtuosity and genius can bloom.

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The Reality of Innovation Unzipped - An investigation in middle Market Australia8

Deloitte have recently released a new report entitled "The Reality of Innovation Unzipped" which is an investigation into innovation in middle market Australia. The report was compiled inconjunction with the Australian Business Foundation, an independent business research think tank and includes more than 50 case studies of middle market Australian companies that are considered innovative operations. The report identified implementation of innovation as the main concern and the two biggest issues surrounding successful implementation - how to acquire the right skills to convert innovative ideas into business and how to speed up return on investment.

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ABC's James O'Loughlin learns about Business and Creativity

Ralph Kerle, CEO the Creative Laedership Forum joined Elisabeth Ann MacGregor, Executive Director, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney and Simon Longhurst CEO, the St James Ethic Centre, Sydney on a recent ABC Evening Show compered byJames O'Loughlin Evening Show, ABC, Sydney on the topic of Creativity and Business

audio-input-microphone.pngListen to the podcast of the programme.

A Snapshot of Recent International and National Research Reports on Leadership, Creativity and Innovation

In the last couple of years there has been a flood of research reports on the importance of creativity and innovation published by professional associations, professional services organizations and multi-national corporations. These topics are clearly being taken seriously by organizations as they struggle at all levels to comprehend the impact of the dynamic changes in organizational and business paradigms that are being turned up side down by the emergence of truly global markets. In this newsletter, the Creative Leadership Forum provides a quick summary of what it considers to be the more informed of these reports together with a synopsis of the emerging themes and their implications for leadership. For those interested, click on the report name and you will be able to download a complete copy of the individual report.

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