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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________



The Dynamics of Creative Leadership by Jamie Boyle and Dr Margaret King

The major question I am being asked whilst interviewing for the national research project "Is the Australian work force creative and innovative?" is to define creative leadership. (To participate in the survey click here) My response is that an Australian definition of creative leadership will be forthcoming as a result of the data collected through this research project and that definition will be defined by the Australians that participate in the survey. In the meantime, I offer the following excellent article from Jaime Boyle and Dr Margaret King, of The US Center for Cultural Studies and Analysis that offers an American perspective on Creative Leadership and compares that to how non-Americans view the concept of creative leadership.

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The Death of Creativity

This is a wonderful lecture by the originator of Mind Mapping,Tony Buzan. Circulated amongst Creative Skills Training Council members by 30 year veteran of creativity consultancy and practice, Alan Black Phd from CRe8ng who simply wrote "This is the best summary of the causes and cures caused by our school systems around the world I have ever heard in 30 years". It is 15 minutes in length so listen to it when you have the time. 


Co-Creator of the Creative Problem Solving Method Appointed Global Mentor for the Creative Skills Training Council

The Creative Skills Training Council, Asia Pacific is an on-line community of creative practitioneers made up of business executives, academics, designers, artists, behaviourial and cognitive scientists involved in advancing the practice of creative skills and capabilities development in business, organizations and government. Founded in August 2006, it was formed in response to international interest in the development of creativity as a prime driver in business, government policy and communities that are committed to researching, exploring, sharing and commenting on the concerns and opportunities experienced globally in the vital industry, the training of creative skills. It has grown rapidly and has 114 members globally with representatives from Canada, USA, Jamaica, UK, Portugal, Spain, Norway, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. As founder of the organisation, I felt we needed a global mentor and asked Dr Sidney J Parnes, the co-creator of the creative problem solving methodology if he would act in this capacity. To my delight he accepted!

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MITs Michael Schrage Talks About the Importance and Value of Serious Play

Dr Alan Saunders, the host of a great little ABC Radio National programme By Design recently spoke to MIT's Michael Schrage about his theory that Serious Play is vital for innovation and the implementation of innovation. Michael's position is that ideas are simply representation of ideas - the old adage, ideas are a dime a dozen, rings true for Michael. Schrage argues what is important and what creates economic value is how those ideas are prototyped and constructed. Michael Schrage is a global leader in innovation and his work provides genuine simplicity, common sense and clarity in a space that is cluttered with theories of all sorts.

audio-input-microphone.pngListen to the podcast of the interview.


Creativity and Innovation From The Top

Here is a very interesting video produced by the Wall Street Journal in their Managing Innovation series with some American CEO's talking about their practices and problems with innovation in particular. Whilst they recognise the value and importance of creativity and innovation, they address the issue of the development of the human capabilities very superficially. Nevertheless, it is a good six minute panel discussion worth having a viewing if you are interested in the application of creativity and innovation from the top..