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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Social Media (25)


Why Big Brands Struggle With Social Media

Social media continues to grow globally in terms of adoption, usage, interest and impact in a massive way. It’s undeniably changing the way that content and information work particularly in terms of the publishing of consumer opinion. This has transformed the way that consumers relate to brands and the way that brands should operate, driving direct interaction, transparency and a more consultative approach. However, we still operate in a system defined by the old media world and consequently big brand involvement is still in the main tentative and sporadic. From my experience of trying to get big brands to embrace the social revolution, there are a number of reasons why they have yet to embrace the real opportunities that involvement can deliver: 1. Social Media is often viewed as just another marketing channel: It is of course so much more

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Twitter - What Is It?


What Social Media Is and What Social Media Is Not

This post touches upon what I feel social media is and isn’t. It does not matter what your purpose is for using social media. The key elements are and always will be the same. Your desired outcome is dictated by the basic fundamentals of the core of what social media is. This post touches upon the most important ones. I could have went on and on with this list, but I don't think that was needed to drive home what I'm trying to get across. Please feel free to add to it by leaving your thoughts and opinions in the comments.

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8 Ways to Start a Conversation: Social Media Style!

The purpose of social media is to be social of course, right? It helps social butterflies among us stretch across continents with the strokes of a few keys and allows the geeky introvert to have a voice. Starting a conversation has never been easier, has it? A friend of mine, Ken Allan, and I were having a conversation across blogs over the last few weeks. Both of us started our blogs for varying reasons, but primarily it is to reach others and extend the conversation.

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Why I'm Bullish on Facebook

A article earlier this month in the NYTimes talks about how Procter & Gamble has been "dipping its big toes into the vast pool of Facebook, now the world’s largest social network." Who wouldn't want a piece of P&G's ad spend, as they spend almost as much as all companies in the online direct marketing space will earn combined. If Facebook could garner just 1% of that almost $2.5 billion budget, for example, they'd effectively double their revenues. The Times article reference above is just one on the topic of social media and advertising. Most of the articles I've been following describe the challenges that Facebook and others...

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