The Small Revolution - Linda Kaplan Thaler & Robin Koval

Change It’s a word we’ve all heard a lot this year. We’re looking for change in Washington, in our environment, in our culture, and in our economy. Hey, these days, even change for a dollar would suffice. The need for change spurred the election of a new President and brought together a nation divided in ideologies. The desire for change is great, but sometimes it feels as if our problems are greater still. In the face of our individual, national, and global challenges, change can feel impossible. When we try to change the world all at once, we become overwhelmed with the vastness of our problems. Debts are too large to pay, jobs are too scarce to find, and life is too stressful to conquer. In times as complex as these, however, the answer is surprisingly simple. We have to start thinking SMALL. Now is the time for the SMALL revolution. When tackling problems, we are often told to think big. We filter out life’s seemingly insignificant details in order to concentrate on the greater issues. After all, big ideas yield big results, or so the assumption goes. Certainly, no one wants to be thought of as the person who “can’t see the forest for the trees.” But many times, these very same little details are the ones that can serve as the real catalysts for change in our own lives and in the lives of others—if we only start to recognize their potential.