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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Knowledge (35)


The Ageing Workforce - Have you contributed to the research...

I'm researching the views of employers (those who make the final decision whether to hire one person over another) as opposed to HR people (who generally filter applicants and compile short lists of candidates for the consideration of the final decision-maker) in the finance/financial services sector. A survey I'm using can be found by clicking here. It is now well acknowledged that the Australian population is ageing. The number of older adults living in Australia is steadily increasing meaning that the age of our workforce will also increase. The baby boomers are approaching the traditional retirement age, most within the next two decades. It makes sense that the longer baby boomers work, the more beneficial it will be for our economy. Compared to their predecessors, the baby boomer cohort is generally better educated, and this is correlated with higher workforce participation. Further, research has indicated that many do not intend to fully retire but wish to continue working part time or in less demanding roles.

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Why some leaders inspire action while others are mostly forgettable: the vital role of business storytelling

Leaders can tell stories to paint a vision or strategic direction, share a lesson, convey values or

illustrate desired behaviours. Stories also have an ability to forge deeper connections between

people, so inspiring them to focus their attention and take action. As Terrence Gargiulo said,

“The shortest distance between two people is a story.”

Stories work for leaders as a successful communication and engagement technique for several


Firstly, stories convey emotion effectively, and emotion united with a strong idea is persuasive.

We remember what we feel. And our emotions inspire us to take action.

Secondly, stories are concrete and have the ability to transport us imaginatively to a place

where we can visualise the events being recounted.

Thirdly, stories are memorable: we are up to 22 times more likely to remember a story than a

set of disconnected facts (such as presentation dot-points).iii

Lastly, stories represent a pull strategy, unlike the push strategy used when we argue in a more

traditional way. Stories engage the listener, pulling them into the story to participate in the

conversation, rather than telling them what to think.

View the full story here


Right Brain vs Left Brain Creativity Test

Being creative or artistic doesn’t mean you know how to draw or play an instrument. Being creative is a way of thinking, a way of viewing the world.

Creative people use the RIGHT side of their brains more than the LEFT. Take the test and find out if your brain is RIGHT for a creative career.

Take the Test NOW - CLICK HERE


Creative Leadership Coaching

When have you ever reached the level of total knowledge, or do we all need a coach? Here are articles on some of the subjects our leaders have been discussing needs for their coaching with us...

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Fish Ears

Kevin Byron is an active member and creative leadership practitioner within the international Creative Skills Training Council. He has sent us the story below that provides an interesting insight into creative thought, conversations, success and other attributes that can be learnt. It is interesting that many of our planets most successful leaders are also fantastic storytellers...

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