Creativity Software Reviews
Need help coming up with creative ideas for your next project? Read reviews of these powerful brainstorming and idea generation software programs. Check them out...
Making Innovation Happen
Need help coming up with creative ideas for your next project? Read reviews of these powerful brainstorming and idea generation software programs. Check them out...
Democratizing Innovation Eric von Hippel SM '68 April 8, 2005 Running Time: 1:00:44
Have you contributed to the NGF Map of Creativity? The Map of Creativity is a user friendly interactive database of innovative educational projects throughout the world. Want to see some of the worlds most interesting educational projects? Browse to your hearts content. Do you know of an innovative project to support creativity, learning or play? Put it on the map!
Hey...want to know one of the best kept secrets of effective leadership? Have the courage to allow your employees to figure out how to do their jobs on their own. Period. No really...that's it.
One of The Creative Leadership Forum's partner presenters - Michael Schrage, has recently had this story published by Booz and Company Inc in their Strategy+Business Magazine. The Metric Behind the Slogan provides an interesting insight into the history of metrics and the impacts they have made on business. We recommend the read...