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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in education (63)


Corporate Universities, Higher Education and the Future: Emerging Policy Issues

This is genuinely interesting and indepth paper, regardless of all its biases, prepared by the Australian Commonwealth Department of Youth Sport and Education in 2000 on the evolution and working componets of corporate universities in Australia. It is worth reading this paper against the current failure of university business schools.




NICTA and PhD's

NICTA, Australia’s information and communications technology (ICT) research centre of excellence, works with university partners to provide an environment that enhances and supports the quality of Australian computer science and electrical engineering PhD education. This partnership has recently celebrated an important milestone, the graduation of the 100th PhD student to carry out their research at NICTA – just three years since the program started.

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Crash course in learning theory

I recently stumbled across a very neat little blog commmunity aptly titled The Creating Passionate Users. This community of bloggers claim they are fascinated by brains, minds and what science can tell us about the practice of making users passionate about their lives and tools. The community is co-ordinated by Dan Russell, a full-time research scientist and software developer at Google who has a PhD from the University of Rochester in Artificial Intelligence and Kathy Sierra who has been interested in the brain and artificial intelligence since her days as a game developer (Virgin, Amblin', MGM). Crash course in learning theory looks at blogging as an educational tool rather than a sales or self promotional tool.

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Umberto Eco: The lost art of handwriting

Umberto Eco the Godfather of Semiotics writes an eloquent column in the Guardian on whether it is important for children to continue to be taught handwriting and in his view, it is. Read why!!



OD Australia - 5th Organisation Development Australia conference - 22-23 October 2009

Ralph Kerle, Executive Chairman of The Creative Leadership Forum will be a key speaker at this conference.

Other speakers include:

Amanda Sinclair
Professor of Management
Diversity and Change
Melbourne Business School

Dr Jinette de Gooijer & Rob Cairns
Group Relations Australia

Peter Aughton
The Amerin Group, & Convenor of AHRI’s OD&D Interest group

Download the programme flier here

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