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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Creative Leadership Index (2)


CLF Chairman's Report

Communicating with many leaders, we are constantly hearing that after the ‘BIG CUT’ the focus is now on re-development, so where do you start?


Following decades in business, it always commences in the same way for ourselves and our clients…


Research – Research – Research!!!


After a couple years research and reaching over 30,000 executives and managers throughout Australia, we launched CLF research on ‘Is Australian Management Creative and Innovative?’ in 08. You can view the summary of results here


The main concern was: After confirming with questions in 5 different ways, over 80% of managers believe they are creative/innovative… Less than half believe their employers are creative/innovative.


This knowledge inspired development over the last 12 months of the Creative Leadership Index (CLI)


“What has been inspiring is that every case study we complete shows that the CLI is unique worldwide…


Because every business, organisation and government body we communicate with is systemically and uniquely creative, our research provides a discussion paper – a snapshot - customised for every client


That is where The Creative Leadership Forum generally commence before considering recommendation for any investment in education from our master educators.


The CLI does not replace the various engagement surveys available. We have researched many engagement surveys and have access to some of the best in order to create a unique review as required and unique and separate of engagement surveys…


Clients continue to inform us how the CLI provides insights on how they can innovate and be more creative, both internally and as an interface with clients/customers…


From there we have developed, in association with our CLF team of consultants, solutions that are customised for every client…


This issue we consider where to invest your time and money….


Some articles of particular interest include McKinsey’s recommendation to ‘Identify Skill Gaps in An Organisation’ review the article – here


We look forward to researching with you how our CLF team can improve management innovation through:


  • Research providing a snapshot of your executive/management team
  • Communication internally and at the interface with clients

Innovating through the downturn - a Memo from Booz&Co to the Chief Innovation Officer...

Booz recently released an interesting report. Check it out here. Their vital point is to recognise and fix innovation gaps.

The CLI is one way to commence this process...

Let us know of any other recommendations you have we can recommend

Contact: Chief Executive, The Creative Leadership Forum to discuss

e: gc@thecreativeleadershipforum.com

m: +61 (0) 412 559 603