21 Evidence Based Ideas About How Great Bosses Lead Innovation - Stanford d.school

My Stanford colleague Hayagreeva (Huggy) Rao and I have been leading an executive program at Stanford every November for the past four years that is called Customer-focused Innovation. In the mornings, we discuss the theory and practice of innovation with the executives. In the afternoon's, Perry Klebhan from the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (which everyone calls the Stanford d.school) leads the group as they go out into the world to try to tackle read world problems -- such as improving the experience of visiting a gas station or buying a car. For this program, Huggy and I put together a list of 21 evidence-based ideas about how great bosses lead innovation. We would love to hear your ideas about ways great bosses spark innovation as well a concerns -- and extensions -- related to these ideas: 1. Creativity means doing new things with old ideas.