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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in behaviors (27)


A Bias against 'Quirky'? Why Creative People Can Lose Out on Leadership Positions - Wharton@Management

Creativity is good -- and more critical than ever in business. So why do so many once-creative companies get bogged down over time, with continuous innovation the exception and not the norm? Wharton management professor Jennifer Mueller and colleagues from Cornell University and the Indian School of Business have gained critical insight into why.

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12 Sparks for Personal Creativity - A Mind Makeover - Forbes

Do you find your creativity at a lull and needing a jolt at times? For extra spark, gain insights from leaders and designers to jump-start your creativity. Consider the following:

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Want to be really creative? Stop thinking about yourself - Wallace Immen, The Globe and Mail

Necessity may be the mother of personal invention, but thinking about others can lead to more creative and useful ideas, according to new research. The findings have important implications for employee management as well as personal brainstorming, said Adam Grant, an associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. “People who focus on others tend to be more creative than those who are just out for themselves, because focusing on others forces you to consider a wider range of perspectives,” said Prof. Grant, who conducted the study with doctoral student James Berry of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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Cognitive dissonance – An ally of innovation? - Jose Baldaia

“Companies cannot achieve superior and lasting business performance simply by following a specific set of steps. Over the past decade, some of the most popular business books have claimed to reveal the blueprint for lasting success, the way to go from good to great, or how to craft a fail-safe strategy or to make the competition irrelevant. At first glance, many of the pronouncements in such works look entirely credible. They are based on extensive data and appear to be the result of rigorous analysis. Millions of managers read them, eager to apply these keys to success to their own companies. Unfortunately, many of the studies are deeply flawed and based on…” - Phil Rosenzweig mckinseyquarterly.com

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How Aha! Really Happens - Booz&Co - William Duggan

More and more companies are starting to appreciate that creativity tools simply don't work in an organizational context. The Creative Leadership Forum discovered this in 2008 in their major research project "Is Australian management creative and innovative?" . This Booz&Co article entitled "How Aha! Really Happens re-affirms our findings.

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