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Making Innovation Happen

A Global Aggregation of Leading Edge Articles on Management Innovation, Creative Leadership, Creativity and Innovation.  

This is the official blog of Ralph Kerle, Chairman, the Creative Leadership Forum. The views expressed are his own and do not represent the views of the International or National Advisory Board members. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Entries in Art (18)


Solving Problems with Pictures

Interview with Dan Roam, author of The Back of the Napkin August 1, 2009. By Vern Burkhardt"We can use the simplicity and immediacy of pictures to discover and clarify our own ideas, and use those same pictures to clarify our ideas for other people, helping them discover something new for themselves along the way." Pictures can be used to discover, develop and share business ideas—and have some fun.

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How Visualisation of Data and Things Helps Us

I have always wondered why visual artists who are employed to illustrate meetings seem to stimulate some meetings and attendees and not others. This video provides a reason as to why they work. However my view is that this process doesn't work for everyone. Worth having a peep at least!!


I offer this beat poem as a way of showing how arts-based processes allow epic views and exchanges to be condensed to mere moments and anecdotes and how when done skilfully can be highly insightful and very powerful. Tim Minchin is an Australian beat poet based in London and this is a performance of his poem "Storm" to a live audience in the UK. Be warned - there is offensive language!

Garr Reynolds on the Fine Art of Presentation

Following comments on our Guy Kawaski blog, we had no choice but to post this great video on presentation by Garr Reynolds.Here is someone who has made a lifetime career in thinking about and designing presentations. This video is quite inspirational!! It's inspirational because it is a perfect example of what happens when the physical and performance aspect of presentation are totally aligned with the visual.

Exhibition shines light on artist’s creativity

A colourfully intrinsic exhibition is on display at the Western Plains Cultural Centre (WPCC) until February 1. Flight to Light, created by internationally renowned lighting designer and composer, Mary-Anne Kyriakou is a light and sound installation.

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