Exhibition shines light on artist’s creativity
Saturday, November 29, 2008 at 07:38PM
Grant Crossley in Art, Creative, Light, Sound

Planning a visit to the Western Plains.. 

Exhibition shines light on artist’s creativity


A colourfully intrinsic exhibition is on display at the Western Plains Cultural Centre (WPCC) until February 1.

Flight to Light, created by internationally renowned lighting designer and composer, Mary-Anne Kyriakou is a light and sound installation.

The artwork is made of a series of plastic cubes, which sit on a raised platform sheet.

A single low-energy LED MR16 lamp orb is inside each of the cubes and refraction of the light is created by a single Swarovski crystal, making a Christmas tree lighting effect.

The room the artwork is set up in is darkened and there is a colourful, changing background on a screen behind the cubes.

Mary-Anne said she was interested in the relationship between design, technology, music and science.

She works hard to raise public awareness and appreciation for more creative, interesting and energy-efficient environments and artworks.

WPCC manager Linda del Bao said the artist enticed her audience though combining light and sound.

“I haven’t seen anything like this before, the brilliant everchanging- colours contrast with the black background of the space and with the addition of sound and other images, creates a hypnotic and spiritual experience,” Ms del Bao said.

“It reminds me of a Christmas light display, with a great contemporary feel and with the added benefit of being energy efficient.

“I am sure that visitors to the centre will be drawn to this exhibition.”



Article originally appeared on The Creative Leadership Forum - Collaborate - Create - Commercialise & Transformational Change (http://thecreativeleadershipforum.com/).
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