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Evidence of the Value to Business of Creative Leadership :: Kanvio’s blog

A very interesting little blog and graph as a result of some research I was doing looking for some empirical data on the vale of creative leadership to business.

In these moments when lots of businesses have difficulties, not just to keep results but to survive, it’s also needed to have a look at current reality and understand the reasons which take them to this situation. Specially if we observe other companies, few but existing, which keep growing, despite the economic situation.

It’s also quite easy to look at external causes to explain poor business’ results: low demand, lack of fundings, taxes, etc. It’s lot more difficult to have an introspective look, from the consciousness about change starting from within, as leaders.

What would you do if you would identify a cause accounting for 37,6% of business results? Most likely get a deeper insight about it.

Statistic data from The Leadership Circle, show that leadership style matter as one major cause.


As shown in the graph, there’s a strong correlation between leadership effectiveness and business performance. Leadership Effectiveness is also positively correlated with Creative Leadership style.

By developping creative leadership within organizations, helps you get better and more sustainable results.

kanvio is certified by The Leadership Circle in its leadership development tools, which international companies throughout the world, have already adopted.  / more information…

Reader Comments (1)

It is always good to see empirical data, as you have shown, to reinforce the fact that leaders directly impact the results of the business. It is evident from your chart that Good leaders deliver Good results. Great leaders deliver Exceptional results. With the speed of change, the ambiguity, and global competition in business today, leaders must regularly evaluate their competencies and leadership style, and continually upgrade themselves if they desire to deliver superior results. In fact if they fail to, then they run the risk of falling behind others who demonstrate exceptional leadership competencies. The result is working harder and achieving less, and at worst, being replaced.
September 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRichard Reid

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