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The Heart of Innovation: 23 Reasons Why Nothing Happens After a Brainstorming Session



How many times have you participated in a brainstorming session, only to be underwhelmed by the utter lack of follow up?

Unfortunately, in most businesses, this is often the norm.

Here's why:

1. The output of the session is underwhelming.

2. No one has taken the time, pre-brainstorm, to consider follow-up.

3. No criteria is established to evaluate the output.

4. No next steps are established at the end of the session.
5. No champions (i.e. process owners) are identified.
6. The champions are not really committed.
7. The champions are committed, but under-estimate the effort.

8. The ideas are too threatening to key stakeholders.
9. No one is accountable for results.

10. The project leader doesn't stay in contact with key players and "out of sight, out of mind" takes over.


11. The "steering committee" takes their hands off the wheel.

12. The next brainstorming session is scheduled too quickly.

13. The output of the session is not documented.

14. No sponsors are on board.

15. Participants' managers are not supportive of the effort

16. It takes too long to document the output of the session.

17. The output is not distributed to stakeholders in a timely way.

18. Participants and stakeholders do not read the output.

19. Bureaucracy and company politics rule the day.

20. Somebody, in the session, is disengaged and sabotages the effort.

21. Teamwork and collaboration is in short supply.

22. Small wins are not celebrated. People lose heart.

23. Participants perceive follow-up as "more work to do" instead of a great opportunity to really make a difference.

Is there anything else we should add?

From Idea Champions blog


Reader Comments (1)

Excellent post that I will RT on Twitter for all leaders and teams to read. Your list of 23 is often lumped into one phrase - "organizational paralysis". By outlining 23 components you have given every leader/team 23 entry points to changing their destiny!

One key step to building more engagement and follow-through in team members, the "I's" in team. Yes, there is an "I" in team contrary to the old adage. Here's a post that gives 4 keys to building more follow-through ...

Best wishes and many thanks for your valuable post.
Kate Nasser, The People-Skills Coach

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