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1. balance planning with improvising2. use the unknown as a resource (do not avoid it)3. creativity is a core value4. creativity is a organizational discipline; an ongoing process; a mindset5. time and attention are dedicated to “practicing” creative process until it becomes embedded in the system6. flexible, limited organizational structures combined with intensive interaction7. room for exploration and discovery without judgment8. act upon intuition and “resonance” as well as logic 9. employ real-time feedback loops and adapt accordingly10. mistakes and failures are seen as invitations to improve, grow or create11. hold organizational tension, cognitive dissonance and natural resistance 12. engage paradox – engages opposing or differing “truths” and view points to without needing to boil them down to the lowest common denominator13. use diversity productively – uses differences to contribute to the creation of something new14. creativity can come from anywhere in the system in any direction15. use both linear and non-linear ways of thinking16. believe in their people; draws forth what is positive17. encourage the questioning of all assumptions18. informed by, but not limited to, what worked in the past19. not reliant on business buzz words; uses more authentic language20. excitement is not squelched – it is used to fuel creativity21. tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty22. use both divergent and convergent thinking; whole-brain approaches 23. balance structure and “being organized” with flow and emergence24. value fun as part of the creative process
By Michelle James, CEO of The Center for Creative Emergence
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