How artforms can address business issues - Tim Stockil - Arts and Business UK

This 45 comprehensive report analyses the characteristics and attributes of a number of different art forms and evaluates what each art form offers to business in the field of creative training and
development. It provides a model to show how arts-based training and development can
make a significant impact on a wide range of business issues. Although it is not an academic
paper, the report draws on a range of academic publications as well as the experience of
practitioners in the field.
The report includes an exploration of a number of different art forms and which business
issues they have been used to address. It is not exhaustive but it will allow the reader to
extrapolate from the examples given.
To help both artist-trainers and managers in business who might commission such work, we
set out a “decision tree” which guides the reader through a series of possibilities leading from
the original issue to a (possible) arts-based solution. We also explore the cost and resource
implications of using an arts-led approach in business training and development.
Click here to read the full report.
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